An Honest Review: Family-Friendly Husky Dog Sledding Safari, Lapland

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When we planned our DIY trip to Lapland, Husky sledding was right at the top of my must-do list. It has been a dream of mine since I was little and something I wished we had done during our visit to Tromso. Thankfully, these types of excursions are popular in Lapland with lots of companies providing this experience. We easily found and booked our family-friendly Husky safari via MANAWA and this is my honest review…
The husky safari we chose was located at a Husky Farm in Ylläs and the price included a coach trip to reach this. As we were staying in a cabin in Äkäslompolo we needed to make our way to the meeting point of Hotel Ylläsrinne which was around 15 minutes from us by car. On arrival, we couldn’t initially find the tour guide but we spoke to others in the hotel lobby who explained that they were all waiting for everybody to arrive and they kindly pointed out the guide once she was back. Our names were then quickly and efficiently called out, checked off and we were asked to board the coach outside. Once on board, we were informed that the journey would be around 20 minutes long and told what to expect when we got to the farm. The guide spoke in both English and French.
Arrival at The Husky Farm
When we arrived at the Husky Farm we were asked to stand in a circle around a sled and the owner came to greet us and provide information and a demonstration on how to drive a husky sled. I really liked her, she was clear, concise and straight to the point. You could immediately see how knowledgeable and passionate she was about both the activity and the dogs.

As our group was very large, we were divided into two with one group being taken straight down to do their 5 km Husky safari and the rest of us invited into a cute little yurt with a log burner where we could keep warm and have a hot drink.
Inside The Yurt: Question and Answer Time with The Owner
We were part of the second group and so we entered the yurt and took a seat. We were offered a warm berry juice drink which was far too sweet for mine and the boy’s tastes, it was a nice touch but I think hot chocolate and tea could have also been available as an alternative. We were also given a ginger snap biscuit to go with the drink.

The owner then invited us to ask any questions about the business, the dogs and herself and I jumped straight in to find out all I could. I really wanted to make sure that this trip we had booked was in fact ethical, that the business put their needs first and that they were always well cared for. Well, I needn’t have worried, she told us all about the breed (mostly Alaskan Huskies with a few Siberian), how their coat works, how they acclimatise, what they eat, how their kennels are insulated, how she trains them, how she works so patiently with them, how little she breeds and how she has had to re-home those that are better as house pets. Basically every aspect was covered and it was so informative and interesting, that I could have chatted with her for so much longer.

The Husky Safari Experience
Once the first group came back, it was our turn to take our places on our sleds. I sat in the back with my eldest between my legs and then our youngest between his legs and a blanket placed over him. My husband decided he would have the first go at driving (which was fine by me).

The dogs were so incredibly excited, there was jumping and barking – they were as eager to get going as much as we were! Each sled was untied one by one by a member of staff and we were off!

The ride was exhilarating from the moment we started. The dogs could really gain momentum at some areas of the trail and they’d have gone even faster if we hadn’t had to keep slowing down for the sleds in front. The atmosphere was buzzing with the excitable dogs, the children saying “Yay!” and many of us going “Wahoo!”

The trail is set across frozen swamp land out in the middle of nowhere which is beautifully picturesque all covered in snow.

At the halfway point we came to a stop and the staff came around to take our photos and then it was time to switch drivers. I wasn’t sure if I was going to give this a go at the beginning but seeing my husband’s face when he was driving and with his encouragement (basically telling me I just HAD to do it) I took to the driver’s position.

As soon as we took off again I could see why Rob had said it was one of the best things he’d ever done. The feeling of being in control of the dogs and the sled, zipping across the snowy landscape, it is absolutely amazing!
Once back at the farm we just about had time for some cuddles and positive words for our dogs before we had to sadly leave. I’d really have liked to have had the opportunity to interact with the dogs more, maybe had a mini tour around their kennels and told their names. I feel this was the only thing that was missing from this experience.

Transfer Back
Our group were quickly directed back to the coach and we made the short journey back to the hotel. All in all I think we were out for around 2 1/2 hours.
Overall Thoughts
This was an absolute highlight of our holiday and we would definitely do it again but would choose a longer trail next time. We opted for the 5 km tour because we were worried about it being too cold and we weren’t sure how the children would enjoy it but we needn’t have worried because both were fine. I would say that a Husky safari excursion in Lapland is a must-do and don’t be put off by the self-drive options, if I can do it and love it, so will you!

*This post contains affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission if you purchase via them. This does not affect your shopping experience or how much you pay (if I ever get discount codes I will update the post to include them). I received 10% off my booking for being part of their affiliate scheme. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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