8 Ways To Look After Your Eyes

*Collaborative Post
How often do you think about your eyes and their health? Can you imagine life without the valuable sense that is your eyesight?
Your eyesight should not be taken for granted. If you develop problems with your eyesight it could have a massive impact on the whole of your life. There are several ways that your eyes could start to develop problems. For example, your eyes could start to change shape. This will cause your eyesight to blur. You may start to see spots on your eyes or you could even develop glaucoma. The smallest changes in your eyesight could bring on headaches and make driving unsafe. So, how can you take better care of your eyes?
Here are eight different ways that you can look after your eyesight. Read on to find out more.
- Take A Look At Your Diet
You may not naturally associate your diet with your eyesight, however, a balanced diet with the right vitamins will help to protect your eyesight. Make sure your diet is rich in foods that have beta carotenes and vitamin A. These include sweet potatoes, carrots, and squashes. These will help you to be able to see better, particularly in dim light. Vitamin A is important in vision. It helps you to have a clear cornea which is the outside covering of your eye. Vitamin A is a component found within rhodopsin which is a protein that is found in your eyes.
- Don’t Spend Too Much Time Staring At Screens
Be careful about how much time you spend in front of screens. If you spend a considerable amount of time in front of computer screens or phone screens then you could be straining your eyes. Over a prolonged period, this could cause your eyes to become damaged. When working at a computer screen, be sure that you plan plenty of breaks so that your eyes have time to take a rest.
- Go For An Eye Test
Make an appointment with your optician and go for an eye test. You should do this every two years at least. An eye test will be important for making sure there are no changes in your eyesight. When you get an eye exam, there will be a series of short tests that you’ll complete. These are designed to see to what extent you’re able to see at different distances. Other tests will look for blind spots in your eyes and also for glaucoma. Once you have had your eye test, if you need glasses or contact lenses, your optician will prescribe them. If you’re considering vision correction, it’s also worth researching the cost of laser eye surgery as an alternative to glasses or contacts.
- Wear Your Prescription Glasses
If you have been prescribed glasses by the optician then you must wear them as directed. If you opt to not wear them, it could cause you to strain your eyes. This in turn could cause headaches and your eyes to worsen.
You can visit this website if you need to buy some glasses. Use the prescription provided to you by your optician so that you can find the right lenses for your eyesight.
- Take Care of Your Eyes in The Sun
If you look directly at the sun it could cause considerable damage to your eyesight. Not only that, but if you look into the sun when it is covered by clouds, or even when you are wearing sunglasses, then this too could damage your eyesight. Whenever you are out on a sunny day, be sure to wear sunglasses with a UV rating of at least 400 and a brimmed hat so that you can keep the sun out of your eyes.
- Wear Protective Eyewear
If you have a job in a factory or even in construction, then your eyes could get damaged if something goes into them. To ensure you do not have any injuries, take care to always wear any protective eyewear provided for you.
- Quit Smoking
Smoking is something that will increase the risk of you developing age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration or cataracts. If you currently smoke, you should think about quitting.
- Check Your Family Medical History
There are a number of different eye diseases that are inherited. Knowing the medical history of your family will be helpful. If you know that someone in your family currently has or has had an inherited eye disease, make sure and let your optician know as they can look out for these in you.
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