My Blog
Emma Reed is a parenting, eco and lifestyle blog. All thoughts and opinions in articles written by myself are my own. I am not a parenting expert, I am simply documenting our lives, our experiences, how I have overcome situations and offering tips and advice. If you have any medical concerns regarding your child/children please do not delay in seeking medical advice, do not disregard previous medical advice or discontinue medical advice before consulting your own GP or medical practitioner. Do not rely on this blog as an alternative to seeking a professional opinion.
I also use this space to discuss my books and provide information on where you can purchase them. I am not associated with any other company. Images belong to me and are not permitted to be duplicated elsewhere without my prior permission. I reserve the right to remove any comments which may be deemed as spam or offensive towards myself, the blog content or any other comment.
Personal Data
Under the new EU GDPR laws I am obliged to tell you that your data will be stored safely and not passed on to any third parties should you sign up to my weekly newsletter or leave a comment. For full details about this please read my Privacy Policy.
Collaborative/Sponsored Posts
Some blog posts may state that they are collaborative posts or sponsored posts at the top of the page. This means that I have either worked alongside a company to produce an article for them or they have provided a pre-written article which has been written by one of their in-house team members. My website is my source of income so I open up this platform for others to share their work, companies, services and so on for a fee. I always strive to check and even edit any work that is pre-written in order to ensure it is a good fit for my blog.
Some articles may be review based for a product/item/service and quite often I will receive the product, service, tickets etc. as a payment/as well as a payment for the post for which I will always disclose. Views within my reviews will always remain my own and are no way influenced by the company or payment.
From 2019 it has been made mandatory for all blogs and social media shares to use the word ad or #ad if the brand I have worked with has paid me, have had a say in how the information should be given or have had control over the content. Therefore, from now on some posts may be labelled in this way. I have not changed how I work and am still the doing the same job it is just simply a new change enforced by the ASA in order to make sure that influencers are transparent in their work. I will continue to say whether or not a post is collaborative, an item if gifted etc. and I will always link to this page for further information.
Guest Posts
I do occasionally allow guest posts on my blog which fit with my own content and which I think will benefit the reader. These opinions are that of the writer and which I am not responsible for. The posts will be clearly marked as being guest posts or collectively found in a series.
I may include links and references to third-party sources on my website. Whilst I try to ensure that information and prices are kept up to date, these links are maintained externally and I have no control over them. My link is not an endorsement of such sites and I am not responsible for their content.
This page participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk. I also have other affiliates with other small companies and also with AWIN meaning that I will benefit if you click on these ads and purchase the items – this does not affect how much you pay or your shopping experience. These are present to help fund the running of this page and I will always disclose whether a blog includes affiliate links at the top of the page.
If you have any queries, please message me via the contact me page.