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Pranamat ECO Review – My Honest Experience
*PR Product As somebody who has long suffered from aches and pains in my back and shoulders as well as debilitating aura migraines, I have tried many things over the years to help ease these. I’ve had sports massages, taken up yoga, seen chiropractors, used

Perimenopause and Mental Health: What’s Happening to My Mind?
If you’re in your late 30s or 40s and feeling a little (or a lot) off, you’re not imagining things. Perimenopause, the transitional phase before menopause, can bring a rollercoaster of emotions, unexpected anxiety and even brain fog that often leaves you wondering if you’re

Seep Eco Sponge Scourer Review and Discount Code!
*Affiliate Links Reducing our plastic waste has been a big focus in our household for a number of years now and steering away from washing up sponges made from plastic fibres was something that we were eager to do as soon as we realised how

How to Actively Reduce Your Household Waste
*Affiliate Links Reducing your household waste is beneficial for you (time and money) as well as being a huge benefit for the environment (fewer resources used, less waste going to landfill/incineration, reduced littering from bin emptying) but I know that when this is mentioned, it

TV Shows and Films That Teach Your Children About Environmental Issues
Ok, I’m going to show my age now but when I was a kid my absolute favourite TV show was Captain Planet. Anyone remember that? Oh my, that theme tune! ‘Captain Planet, he’s a hero, gonna take pollution down to zero!’ Anyway, I started to

How We Spent Our Magical 5 Night Stay in Lapland
*Affiliate Links In September 2024, I turned to my husband and said I think we need to have a magical Christmas, let’s make Lapland happen! He was a little reluctant at first (costs, busy time of year etc) but we set to work researching how

Arcandia – Arctic Adventure Park Review, Lapland
We have recently returned from an amazing DIY Christmas trip to Lapland having had such a wonderfully, magical time and one of my favourite days had to be our visit to the Arcandia – Arctic Adventure Park. Packed full of stunning movie set buildings, beautiful

An Honest Review of The Searching For Santa Experience at The Northern Lights Village
We have recently returned from a dream DIY trip to Lapland where we had such a magical time we really didn’t want to come home. During our 5 night stay, we booked the Searching for Santa experience at the Northern Lights Village in Levi for

An Honest Review: Family-Friendly Husky Dog Sledding Safari, Lapland
*Affiliate Links When we planned our DIY trip to Lapland, Husky sledding was right at the top of my must-do list. It has been a dream of mine since I was little and something I wished we had done during our visit to Tromso. Thankfully,

How We Planned our Amazing DIY Christmas Trip to Lapland
*Affiliate Links Lapland has always been on my travel dream list, even more so since having children but as we all know, having young children costs… a lot! And even though we had talked about making this trip happen years ago, we couldn’t ever afford

Eco-Conscious Choices for Gift Giving
While it’s easy to get swept up in swanky gift wrapping, gift bags and maybe even party favours for birthdays, Christmas and other special events, there are always ways to make the art of gift-giving a little bit more eco-conscious. From what you gift to

How To Create a Fun DIY Rainbow Door in Your Home
One evening as I was putting my son to bed, he said “When I’m older I’m going to have a brightly coloured house with rainbow doors”, so I replied with “Why wait?” If you’d like a rainbow door, let’s see what we can do. And