Poem: ‘Baby Brain’

kid with hands on his face. Poem blog

Don’t ask me for my age,

I think I’m still thirty-one.

Don’t ask me when I last went out,

There’s little time for Mummy fun!


Don’t ask me for the date,

I can no longer keep track.

What’s the day of the week you ask?

I could give it a crack!


Don’t ask me for my plans,

That’s what a calendar is for.

Don’t ask me how my week has been,

Full of up’s and down’s, for sure!


How many hours did I sleep last night?

Definitely less than seven.

Sleep is over-rated they say,

You can catch up when you’re in heaven!


What did I go in the kitchen for?

My mind is now a blank.

Why did I walk up the stairs you ask?

I couldn’t tell you, to be frank!


How do I  get my brain in gear?

With several cups of tea!

Chocolate is now my best friend,

It helps me feel like me!!


Ask me where a toy is,

I can tell you in a heartbeat.

Ask for breakfast at 5am,

I can do it in my sleep!


Ask me to find kids TV,

The channels are stuck in my brain.

Ask me about Peppa bloody pig?

She’s driving me insane!!


Ask me to name the paw patrol team,

I could belt you out the song!


Thomas and Friends comes on the telly,

Why do I always sing along?!!


My mind isn’t what it used to be,

It now puts somebody else first.

It can’t remember certain tasks,

And using it often hurts!


My mind has been re-trained,

Using it takes real force.

What is this condition I have, you ask?

Why it’s baby brain of course!!!


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