Why You Should Bring Your Neighborhood Together for Community Events

*Collaborative Post

Neighborhoods pose an excellent opportunity for new homeowners to make friends. Community events, anything from a big weekend to a small club, can help people feel like they’re part of a neighborhood “family.” This sense of togetherness can benefit people in several ways, from more personal ones to promoting the neighborhood as a whole.

1. Decreases Crime

Many people who don’t have connections in their neighborhood may worry about crime. They may not think that they have anyone watching out for their house in particular. A close-knit neighborhood can actually stave off crime. When families are more connected with one another, crime is lower. When households in the neighborhood get together, they build bonds that will help them look out for one another in the future.

2. Lowers Screen Time

Spending time in the neighborhood or with a community means being outside more. People will be busy completing tasks or participating in activities, so they will be checking their devices less. Higher screen times are linked to conditions like diabetes and depression, which can negatively impact people’s quality of life.

When outside, people experience more of the world to its fullest. People have devices to help entertain themselves and connect them to others. However, being out in the community is one of the best ways to interact with others face-to-face. Families could benefit from a balance of screen time and spending time outdoors.

3. Makes Schools Better

An involved neighborhood community will pull people in. They’ll start to get involved with where they live, and it might spark activity in other situations. People who care about their community will also likely care about the schools their kids attend. More parents and volunteers might help to make the school a better place, either by staffing events or sending donations. An involved community makes people feel like they want to participate. Schools with more participation will benefit immensely from the extra help, and it might take pressure off teachers, too.

4. Encourages Social Situations

Everyone strives to make greater connections and to have better friends. When friends can come from anywhere, one of the best places to make them is around the home. Homeowners may find that their neighbors can be some of their greatest friends. Since they live in such close proximity to one another, they can visit each other easily and keep in touch without many issues.

Bringing neighbors together includes participating in social situations that the whole neighborhood is invited to. One of the best ways to enjoy the weather while getting to know others is to have a movie night. A family-friendly movie event could be perfect for a neighborhood looking to build community with a large green space, and supplies can easily be made or rented. Otherwise, communities may look into sports they can start or other fun events they can host for families.

5. Promotes Pride in Ownership

When people realize that their neighborhood cares about them, they start to care more about their neighborhood. As they get involved, they’ll start to keep up with everyone else. They may adjust their homes to increase curb appeal, thereby creating an environment as beautiful as the people who live in the neighborhood.

Eventually, if the neighborhood continues to thrive, people might be prouder to be a part of it. It might be the neighborhood that hosts all the fun events that other people come from outside the neighborhood to take part in. When living in a strong area, the homeowners will begin to feel stronger, too — and they’ll take pride in their location.

6. Gets People Outside

Exercise promotes better living for everyone who does it. Being outside can lower a person’s stress levels, but they may not want to walk alone. A neighborhood that promotes togetherness may start up a walking group that encourages people to get active and walk through the neighborhood or elsewhere. A walking group can be beneficial to physical health and social health, as it allows people to make friends with common interests more easily.

7. Creates Trust

A close-knit neighborhood is one that promotes trust. When people know their neighbors, they’re more likely to get involved in their lives or include them in their own events. Neighbors will be more likely to help one another out if they know more about each other. For example, one neighbor might need a ride to a doctor’s appointment. A neighbor who can drive can take them. A community of trust is a great place to foster friendships.

Changing the Neighborhood for the Better

Some people may just want to be left alone, but others would benefit tremendously from a sense of community in the neighborhood. People of all ages can come together and enjoy movies or have fun participating in some physical activity. Even having something like a walking club or a book club can help people with all interests get involved in something. With a stronger community, people will feel better and more secure about where they live.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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