7 Fun Things to Do Just For You

*Collaborative Post
As a mama, you often spend all of your time and energy focusing on your children. As a woman, in fact, this can often be our nature! We tend to put everyone else above us automatically, meaning that our needs often fall to the bottom of the pile. And while it can be an admirable quality to be selfless, it can also mean that we aren’t all that happy or healthy! As much as we love our families and wouldn’t want to change things for the world, it can be tough. This is why we need to ensure that we’re taking care of ourselves as well as others! Some will say that we should even be putting ourselves first in order to do a much better job.
You’ll be familiar with the saying ‘put your lifejacket on first’. This is exactly what this is referring to. When we are taking care of our own needs and wants, we’re in a much better position to take care of everyone else. So, in order to make sure that you’re happy, healthy, and the best version of yourself, you will need to make sure that you become more of a priority!
In this blog post, we’re now going to take a look at seven things you can look to do – just for you.
1. Have a Lie In
First of all, you might want to schedule some time to get more of that all important sleep! And if you’re thinking that this is likely to be impossible with children waking up early and school drop off… this is where your significant other (or a family member) comes in. Roping them in to look after the children in the morning so you can catch up on sleep is going to be just what you need.
2. Train Your Brain
Next, you might want to do a few things that can help you to keep your mind active. Having a sharp mind can make all the difference to your everyday life. It might be doing a sudoku, playing spider solitaire, reading, or even learning a language. Looking after your brain is going to help you to feel as if you’re in tiptop shape mentally (and we all know our brains can feel like mush some days!).
3. Book a Staycation
Another option here is for you to think about booking a staycation. Now, this can be by yourself (very luxurious) or with your partner! Again, you’ll need to rope in some childcare here… but it will all be worth it. Spending some quality time either with yourself or your spouse might be just what you need to feel your best again.
4. Create a Workout Routine
You might also want to think about establishing a workout routine that feels good to you. Now, you might automatically be thinking here – but how is that fun for me? Well, this is something that is going to allow you to have some time just for you, to work on your health and wellness, and boost your energy levels. In time, the results will certainly pay off for your mind and body.
5. Spend Time in Nature
Another thing that you can look to do to benefit yourself here is to spend more time in nature. If you ever feel like your cup is half full, getting out and enjoying being in the sunshine and around nature can really boost your mood. It’s proven to be great for your mental wellbeing. So taking a step like this each day or as often as you can might just do your health and mindset a world of good.
6. Do Something You Love
From here, you’re also going to want to allocate some time for the things you love in life. Maybe it’s painting or reading or another favourite hobby of yours. It could be starting to take piano lessons or scheduling a tap class for one evening a week. Taking this all important time for your needs could really make a difference.
7. Go Back to School
Finally, you may also want to think about the things you can do to nurture your mind and your sense of accomplishment. Maybe you want to go back to school to learn something new or study something that you’re interested in. It could even be getting a new qualification in something that will help your career.
Or, you might want to channel your efforts towards setting and accomplishing career goals or even starting your own business here. The world is your oyster. The whole idea is that you’re doing something for yourself, your personal development, and your future!
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.