How Can I Deal with My Eyesight Needs as a SAHM?

lady holding up glasses
*Collaborative Post

When you’re responsible for your child’s every need throughout the day, whether or not you have a partner, you may find that there is precious little time left for yourself. Once your regular daily chores, and your child’s needs, are dealt with, you may then need to consider the other items on your agenda. This can include taking care of yourself. For some people, having an eye exam may not be very high on their priority list, however, it’s just as important for you to have a good quality of life and to look after your eyesight needs!

Eyeglasses Online

You may feel like you don’t want to spend a number of hours sitting in an optician’s office, especially if you have your child in a good feeding and napping routine. While you may still need to attend the eye exam itself, you can buy prescription eyeglasses online, which can help to cut down on the time it takes to get new frames. For you to be successful with your appointment, you may want to consider scheduling it at a time when a family member can look after your child, or even when they may nap in their pushchair. This way, you can focus on liaising with the optician, and then take your prescription home. As in brick and mortar stores, you can then look online for different eyeglasses that are available, and that will be able to suit your eye needs. Depending on the provider, you may also be able to choose from designer brands if they are within your budget.

Eyesight Needs

Looking after a child can lead to you feeling like you have forgotten something. While it is possible that this ‘something’ might not be important, it can be prudent to ensure that your health needs are being met. If your eyes require medication or even frequent lubrication, you may want to stay on top of this. Failure to do so could see problems getting worse or coming back. You may want to consider setting an alarm on your phone so that you know when you are due to have drops or medication for your eye problems. The use of a pillbox, or even jotting down when you had drops in your eyes, may also help to prevent overdoses occurring where you forgot whether or not you already took care of those needs.

Eyesight Tips

Doing what you can to avoid eye strain can also be important. It can be tempting to spend large amounts of time in front of the television, on your phone, or even on your laptop, especially if you want some time to yourself once your child is in bed. However, this, along with a lack of rest, can lead to eye problems and migraines. Limiting screen exposure and having a good bedtime routine may be essential here.

Looking after your eyes can help you to enjoy the sights around you for longer. As a stay at home Mum, you may require all of your senses, including sight, to be able to look after your child effectively.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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