New Healthy Habits You Should Add to Your Routine

a man cycling
*Collaborative Post

It can be difficult finding healthy ways to improve your daily routines. Everyone wants to live a happier life, but it isn’t always clear which new habits to adopt. Here are a few additions to your lifestyle that could make a huge positive difference in your life both now and in the future.

Work Around Your Body Clock

This might sound like an irresponsible idea at first. If you are a night owl, for example, it might seem like this advice suggests that you should miss going to work on time so that you can obey your natural body clock and sleep in. This is far from the case. Pay attention to your cycles of alertness and focus, whether these occur earlier or later in the day, and arrange your workload to fit into these more productive times. You may still need to adhere to external timings to keep your job security but do what you can to work with rather than against your internal clock.

Take the Inconvenient Route Sometimes

This world is fixated on convenience. Driving cars, ordering products online, and almost every other aspect of modern life is designed to be as convenient as possible. This can help to keep everything efficient, but it isn’t good for your personal well-being. Sometimes, the slightly slower option is healthier and more enjoyable. For example, swap the car for a fixie bicycle and commute while getting some exercise. Cycling is a great example of how convenience doesn’t always need to be bad for you. You can get to where you’re going efficiently while working out your body and taking in the sights along the way. Apply this to other areas of life, too. Take the stairs instead of the escalator, or read a few pages of a book before picking up your phone.

Pick One Vice and Track Your Usage

Everyone has something they would rather cut back on in their life. This might be something serious like alcohol, overspending, or smoking. It could also be something less sinister but potentially harmful, such as eating too much sugar or using your phone too often. If you are hoping to kickstart a period of self-improvement, you may be tempted to try and tackle all of your vices at once. Instead, choose one to work on and start by tracking it without judgment. Find out with raw data how much this particular vice has impacted your life so that you can take steps to cut back on it. It’s best to be honest with yourself about the amount of time you spend indulging in your vices; otherwise, you can deceive yourself into believing that it is healthy. If you want to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, don’t be afraid to admit your own shortcomings every now and then.

Not everyone wants to lead the same kind of life, but everyone wants to be happy and comfortable. By incorporating some healthy habits into your routine, you can maintain your physical and mental well-being.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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