Raising A Little Genius: 5 Simple Activities That Help To Make Kids Smarter

baby learning from a book

*Collaborative Post

Every parent wants to see their kids do well in school. Unfortunately, most are also familiar with the daily struggle to get their little ones and teens sat down to do all of the studying, reading, and homework required to get the good grades all of us hope for. Thankfully, your children don’t need to hit the books to boost their intelligence. In fact, some of your kids’ favourite activities offer big benefits for their brains. With that in mind, here are five activities that can help to make your kids smarter.

girl playing a guitar outside

1. Performing Music

Once your soon-to-be rock start starts learning rhythm, notes, and chords, their mind begins to develop, allowing them to hear and process sounds that they couldn’t do before. They may also experience faster brain development than other children, which is often noticeable in areas assessed when they take IQ exams, especially in language, reading, and speech areas, which helps them to better process information. You may need some painkillers in the early stages, but once your kid gets the hang of their instrument, everyone will benefit.

2. Making Art

Any type of art or crafty activity can help to promote and develop your little one’s brain activity. As they continue to grow, this art will also help to support their emotional and social development. Art that requires extra thought, like screen printing is particularly beneficial, as it engages many different areas of your child’s brain. For this reason, you may want to invest in a screen printing kit. Just remember that things can get messy, so you may want to lay down some newspaper.

3. Playing Games

Getting kids off their video games can be a challenge in today’s technology-obsessed world. However, if you choose the right games for your little ones, you needn’t even bother. Although some games are definitely mind-numbing, others can improve hand-eye coordination, memory, problem-solving, and more. If you choose a physically active game, then the benefits only increase. Certain board games, like snakes and ladders, chess, and checkers, especially with chess tutors online, also aid development.


4. Practising Sports

Although video games do have their benefits, it’s still crucial that your kids get out of the house now and then, especially if they take part in sports. Any teacher can tell you that children, especially younger ones, concentrate more and behave better after PE or break time. This is because of a number of reasons, including reduced stress levels and increased blood flow to the brain. With that in mind, you should consider enrolling your child in a sport of some kind.

5. Getting Sleep

As important as exercise, your children still need to get plenty of rest. It may seem as though the most intelligent of us stay up all night studying and learning, but this simply isn’t true. For a healthy body and mind, we need to recharge. For younger children and babies especially, sleep boosts the ability to learn and increases attention span. Setting a bedtime for your children can ensure that they get the eight hours of sleep each night they need to be happy and healthy.

child asleep

We all want to see our children succeed, so give yours the best chance by following these tips.

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