Smoking – The newest taboo in polite society

*Collaborative Post
With Covid visibly shrinking the world population since 2020, there are a million other destructive factors that have inadvertently been overlooked. People have come up with countless ways to simply pass the time or feel the basic thrill of living. As a result, they have succumbed to means that are either harmful to their mental or physical self, with the habit of smoking topping the list.
Smoking has long been a major contributor to general health deterioration, but in 2021, it has paved its way to being social kryptonite and can be referred to as a different pandemic. You might not be surprised to know that just like the famous deadly coronavirus, the lingering smoke in the air can cause more trouble than you can imagine. Whether you’re a smoker or not, being exposed to such a harmful environment causes more deaths than any virus. But, unfortunately, nobody is ready to talk about it.
The primary effects of smoking on physical health
Let’s have a look at what a mere puff of air does to your body and mind.
It is no secret that smoking takes a toll on the human body in irreversible ways, causing diseases like cancer, heart stroke, and lung issues. Moreover, it also increases the risk of certain eye diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis.
Second-hand smoke is an even more significant factor that damages your health. According to research, it causes about 41,000 deaths in adults annually. In addition, children exposed to such destructive air are at risk of having respiratory infections and other severe health issues.
Smoking and society
No matter how ‘cool’ it makes you look, you simply cannot ignore the adverse effects smoking has on your social life and mental wellbeing. Mostly, people smoke owing to their habit developed over time, to compensate for their inferiority complex, elevate their ego, and many such reasons. Some people form this habit only due to peer pressure or to fit in society or a certain group of friends.
What they don’t realise is the fact that smoking has adverse effects not only on their health but also on the economic and social aspects of their lives. People often end up suffering from emotional instability, resulting in a strain on the tether of their relationships. Smokers tend to get upset even on the pettiest of matters and bring out their worst sides when tried to be reasoned with. Economically, smoking causes a large decline in one’s saving as the addiction leads you to empty your pockets to fulfil your desire.
What happens when you quit?
No matter how far you are down the road, there’s still hope for everybody. The first step to quitting smoking is a strong commitment to oneself, and things will start flowing in the positive direction automatically. Once you quit smoking, the benefits become visible. Some of these are improved oral health, clearer skin, stronger immunity, stable hormones and a considerable decline in the risk of many sorts of cancers. More of these changes are as follows:
After almost 20 minutes to 12 hours
The carbon monoxide level and heart rate tend to get normalised.
After one year
You can feel a significant improvement in your upper respiratory system and coughing problems. The risk of blood pressure and heart attack drops dramatically.
After two to five years
There is a reduction in the risk of stroke.
After ten years
There is a considerable reduction in bladder and lung cancer.
Final word
The world might be in chaos due to COVID-19, but smoking has been a silent killer long before that. It is high time you make a decision to play your part in saving the world, or at least your family. Don’t let the addiction to smoking take away what is meant for you – the happiness and health of you and your loved ones. You might experience a few withdrawal symptoms once you quit smoking, such as cravings and increased appetite. However, these symptoms automatically subside over time, giving you back the healthy body you deserve.
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