Have you ever sat down and watched those YouTube videos that are solely dedicated to a morning routine? I have and do you know how they made me feel? Well, quite frankly like shit! Sorry, but if people are truly getting up 2 hours before their kids, doing yoga, reading a book, having a bath, applying their makeup to a professional level and whipping up a healthy, nutritional breakfast for the children, then well done, I honestly don’t know how you do it AND keep it up… Being a parent myself for the last 5 years and knowing how utterly exhausting it is, I am not completely sure I believe a word of it!
Continue reading “Our Morning Routine – No Frills, Plenty of Spills, Plus a Dash of Shouting!”Tag: school run

Back to School: A Parent’s Guide to Sane Mornings
*Collaborative Post
That there’s a huge transition for every family when summer comes to an end is certainly no exaggeration. While some parents depend on their children to ease into the new schedules on their own, others are frantically running after them with all sorts of left-behinds and forgotten homework.
Continue reading “Back to School: A Parent’s Guide to Sane Mornings”