Many years ago, before I fully realised the impact we were having on the environment with our disposable lifestyles, we would buy Jake those cheap single-use water balloons that went onto a hose. After several uses, I came to realise that a.) they were a complete waste of money and b.) that it was impossible to pick up every tiny piece that had broken away and I was left finding them in flower beds, in the grass etc for months afterwards. I very quickly put a stop to us purchasing them and I felt incredibly guilty for it each time he would see them in the shops and ask for them. I mean, I get it, it is so much fun for a child and you don’t want to let them down, but I knew I couldn’t allow this needless waste to happen in our home. So, when The Clever Cactus showed reusable water balloons on her social media channels a little while ago, I knew I had found the perfect solution! Here is a little more on what they are, how they work and what we think of them.
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