Top tips for Keeping Cool During a Heatwave

Bassett in front of a fan keeping cool in a heat wave

So the summer is finally upon us and in typical British weather fashion, it has gone from one extreme to another with no adjusting time in-between.

So, I have hunted the internet to help provide you with the best top tips for keeping ourselves cool during this heatwave.

At Home

  • Keep windows open during the day for a draft, but the curtains pulled across to keep the beating sun out
  • Open your loft/attic hatch to give more ventilation
  • Put your sheets in freezer bags and pop them in the fridge for the day. Come bedtime you will have a nice cold bed to lay on
  • Keep damp, cool flannels to hand. Maybe place them in the fridge during the day then take them up to bed with you
  • Run your wrists under cold water every few hours. The main vein is here and the water helps to cool your blood
  • Buy cooling packs used for headaches and migraines. Just apply them to your forehead when you are too hot
  • Hydration is key and even though that ice-cold beer may be calling out to you it is only going to dehydrate you during the night. Water is the way forward!


In The Garden

  • Get the paddling pool out as well as water pistols and hose (ensure the hose hasn’t been left laying out in the sun as this can cause the water to heat up and burn)
  • Hose down patios if they become too hot to stand on– this is even more important if you own a dog. Burnt pads are extremely painful and will need veterinary treatment
  • If you do not have shade in your garden get a bit handy and make one. Umbrellas, sheets, tents etc, whatever you have at hand to string up and use to create a cool area over a playmat
  • Take regular breaks from sitting in the garden. Persuade your children to come in and watch a bit of telly to cool down and stop for a while. Children don’t seem to notice when they are overheating and will continue to run around regardless


Going Out

  • Dress yourself and your child so that you are protected from the sun but will not overheat when out in the day. Hats, sun cream, loose clothing are all essential
  • Try and keep out of the sun at the hottest times, usually early afternoon 12-3pm
  • If going out in the car, check the car seat with your hand before placing your child in it. Cars become insanely hot during the summer and may cause burns
  • If you go out for the day head for somewhere like the beach to get a nice breeze and cool down in the water, the woods for shade, a river etc
  • Carry a water spritz in your bag to use whilst you’re out
  • Always take extra water out with you
  • Don’t forget your hats, sunglasses, suncream!



  • Check room temperatures with a thermometer. Very small babies are at a higher risk of cot death if they overheat. Most babies will not wake to warn you that they are too warm
  • Cool down before bed with a refreshing cool shower or bath
  • Dress in loose clothing for bed. If the temperature is going to drop quite a bit at night you don’t want a cold child, so be careful about just picking a nappy. You need to gauge what to do for the best and check the weather reports for temperature forecast
  • Change bedrooms during the hot period. Maybe another room is much cooler?
  • If the bed is far too hot you may just want to set up camp on the floor. Heat rises so the higher up you are the hotter you are going to get which means bunk beds are prob not the best place to be during a heatwave!
  • Use a self-regulating bed cooling pad to keep you comfortable year-round, not just during warm weather
  • Camp out for the night downstairs rather than upstairs or even out in the garden
  • Stick to cotton sheets on the beds
  • Use fans where appropriate- these may keep some children awake so you need to bear this in mind
  • Place ice on a tray or plate in front of the fan to help to cool the air
  • Place hot water bottles in the bed filled with cold water for a few hours before bedtime
  • Provide plenty of water throughout the day and keep a bottle close for your child at night
  • You may have to keep children up a little later just to allow the temperature to drop enough for them to happily go to bed. A few days out of routine won’t hurt. It’s best they don’t tantrum and become even hotter



  • If you are pregnant the heat can play havoc with swelling. Keep your feet elevated and sit in a cool room
  • I remember feeling incredibly sick during hot periods when I was pregnant. I had to stay indoors with the curtains closed and lay down.
  • Plenty of water and fruit will help with hydration and sickness
  • Use cold/frozen flannels to help to cool down
  • Sit in the shade
  • Ask others to get things for you so you can rest

Hope this helps

Happy summer all!!

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