3 Profitable Craft Projects to Keep Kids Creative during Quarantine

a sugar scrub
*Collaborative Post

Did quarantine get you and the whole family down? While social distancing and staying at home are the most responsible things to do during this pandemic, it can feel restrictive when you are staying in one place for weeks. Parents know that kids are always the first ones to feel boredom, so they have to find ways to keep them occupied.

On-hand tabletop, card, and video games are fun at first, but the entertainment will eventually stale after a while when everyone has had their fill of playing several days in a row. Take this opportunity to teach moneymaking craft projects that are both fun and profitable. With everyone under the same roof, now’s the best time as any to instill good business acumen and practical values for extra pocket money. You can also even set them for life with lessons they will learn.

With businesses slowing down, many are relying on online stores to sell products and services, and you can do the same. There are many platforms you can use to sell DIY crafts, but they are not created equal. Free platforms may not have reliable and personalized support, compared to paid ones. The fees are affordable, and keep in mind that you are paying for the peace of knowing there will be someone to help you should something go awry with your online store.

Here are profitable craft projects to stave off boredom in quarantine.

Fragrant Rose-Petal Sugar Scrub

Everyone knows that a sugar scrub makes any bath luxurious. It also makes a perfect gift for any occasion, including birthdays, Valentine’s, Christmas or whenever you want to give someone an extra special treat. Luckily, sugar scrubs are easy to make and inexpensive. Simple sugar scrubs are great, but why not take it to the next level by combining flowers, oil that is good for the skin, and relaxing fragrance?

This rose-petal sugar scrub tutorial is a way to get started, but you can make inventions of your own with your kid. They may have innovative ideas on new exfoliating products, scents, and even packaging.

Teacup Herb Plant

Gardening has become more popular lately as it is an activity that you can do in the safety of your yard. Those without patches of land for gardening have turned to indoor gardening to exercise their green thumbs. A great idea to help others get started is to grow herb plants using upcycled teacups or mugs.

Make sure that the old cups and mugs you are using are clean and dry. You can make them more personalized by designing them before planting anything. There are many herbs you can use for this DIY craft, so when buying herb seeds, make sure you are getting a variety.

herbs in pots with gardening tools and gloves

Sparkly Slime

Slime remains one of the most relaxing things you can put your hands on. It doesn’t matter if they’re old or young, but many people are still fascinated by slime, and with everyone quarantining at home, it would be a good opportunity to create ready-made ones for those who want to get their slime fix.

There are so many types of slimes out there, and you can definitely choose ones that are the prettiest. If the kids are involved in making one, it is best to stick to borax-free recipes because these are safer. Provide your children with plenty of color options, biodegradable glitter, sparkles, and other safe accessories they can mix with the slime to take their creativity to new heights.

Have Fun Together

While some are busy finding the right online tutoring franchises fit for their child’s learning, it would also be beneficial to engage with creativity. With almost everyone glued to their screens for news and entertainment, good old-fashioned fun and personal interaction take a back seat sometimes. That is why parents and kids should make the best out of their time together. The most important thing is to have fun and deepen parent-children bonds while working on these craft projects.

Do you have more profitable craft projects that kids can easily try at home? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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