4 Options For Resolving Different Types Of Family Disputes

*Collaborative Post
Family disagreements are some of the most difficult issues to manage, and as a result, many families may be left fractured. Therefore, it’s important to find a solution without allowing the situation to escalate. Thankfully, there are various ways of resolving family disputes in a peaceful and respectful manner, so it all boils down to finding the best option for your family. Whether you are dealing with divorce and child-related issues or inheritance disputes, you should explore different strategies to resolve the issue. Within this article, you will find four options that can help you resolve different types of family disputes.
Mediation can be a less stressful and reliable way to resolve family conflicts and disputes. An unbiased mediator will consider both sides and provide you with impartial guidance and support. However, keep in mind that they cannot offer legal advice. You can find an appropriate mediator at a mediation centre by searching for resources online. Although a mediator may be a lawyer, their role will be to act as a neutral party and guide a decision relating to the unresolved issue. They will focus on ensuring the discussion remains calm so that you can reach a mutually beneficial conclusion. Nevertheless, any agreements made in mediation will not be legally binding.
Inheritance Act Claims
If you have been left out of a will or you have not been left as much as you need, you may be entitled to make a claim under the Inheritance Act 1975. You can enlist the help of specialist solicitors, such as Hugh James. Their expert team has significant experience in helping clients achieve the maximum financial provision in Inheritance Act claims. The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 is a legal act of Parliament, which allows certain people to make a claim for a deceased person’s estate. As a result, inheritance act claims may help you work towards amicable resolutions and avoid family conflict.
Arbitration is often used for financial issues or disputes involving children. In this case, an appropriately qualified person is assigned to adjudicate and provide legal advice. However, arbitration differs from mediation, as the arbitrator’s decision will be final and legally binding. As a result, a court order will be necessary to give effect to the final agreement. During the arbitration, you will have the opportunity to speak for yourself and present your point of view, while seeking legal advice at the same time. Appointing an arbitrator will ensure that disputes are settled as quickly as possible, minimising both costs and stress.
Collaborative Law
If you choose the path of collaborative law, you and the other party will have solicitors representing you in a room. This will ensure that each party’s representatives will work together to reach an agreement. It’s important to discuss your situation with your collaborative lawyer and explain what you want to achieve. Moreover, collaborative law sessions must begin by signing a contract, which commits both parties to attempt to resolve the issue out of court. Collaborative law is a flexible process, so the number of meetings you need to find a resolution will depend on your circumstances.
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