4 Ways To Help Support An Elderly Family Member’s Independence

a lady with an elderly family member
*Collaborative Post

We all want the best for our elderly loved ones and sometimes they can get to a point in their lives where they need extra support around the home. However, it’s important to allow them to retain as much independence as possible in order to maintain their health and self-esteem. In this post, we’ll cover some of the ways in which this can be achieved. Keep reading to find out how to support an elderly family member…

Involve Them In Decisions

When making decisions for an elderly family member, it’s important to make sure you involve them in the decision-making process. Making decisions for them without their input can leave them feeling out of control and patronised. Ask them for their permission before making decisions for them and if you are forced to make a decision they don’t agree with in their best interest, try and calmly and patiently explain why you had to do so. Ask them for their input when making decisions and how they might do it differently. It might be possible to reach a compromise that you’re both happy with.

Use Home Care Services

Using care home services is a great way to help make sure your loved ones are getting the assistance and support they need without having to take them out of their home. It can be a great alternative to having to move into assisted living or care home if your loved one wishes to stay in their own home. If you’re looking for home care providers in Melksham, Abney and Baker can help set you up with the perfect home care services for your loved one. Having support around the home can help elderly family members with tasks such as personal care, cooking, cleaning, and shopping. You can also choose how many visits they receive a day so you can relax knowing they’re being cared for if you’re busy at work or looking after your family. Your home care provider will be able to help you understand how your loved one is doing, what their care involves and what aims they are setting for them by writing progress notes after each shift.

Looking into Care Home Options

If keeping your loved one within their own home is no longer feasible there are other wonderful options available that will still allow them to live their life as they wish but with that round-the-clock care provided. Do your research, visit homes and have your family member be included in this decision. If you are looking for long term care in Spokane then there are plenty of homes to consider here.

Use Home Delivery For Meals And Shopping

Setting up a home delivery service for meals and shopping will help to make sure your elderly family members are getting regular meals every day and the nutrition and energy they need to stay healthy. It will also mean they don’t need to struggle with shopping or can help to take the burden off you for having to do their shopping for them. They can choose the meal plans they would like themselves, so they’ll be sure to get meals they enjoy and that are tailored to their personal preferences. 

Consider Having Equipment Fitted Around Their Home

Having support equipment fitted around the home can help the elderly with maintaining their independence and allowing them to stay in their own home on their own for longer. It will also help to make sure they’re safer and have less risk of falls and injuries. Stairlifts are a great option for those that are beginning to struggle with the stairs. If they love to have a bath but struggle to get in and out of the bathtub, then you could consider a mobility bathtub with a side door.

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