5 Smart Ways to Save Money in a Multi-Car Household

car at a house
*Collaborative Post

If you have multiple cars at home, you’ll appreciate how quickly car-related expenses can add up. According to Statista, the average cost of a city car is £13,600, while an SUV is a massive £38,015 – and the upfront cost isn’t all you’ve got to fork out for.

With car insurance, MOTs, tax, and maintenance to pay for, owning a car can be costly. Of course, this is heightened even more if you are a multi-care household. That’s why we’ve put together these smart solutions to help you save your hard-earned cash.

Choose multi-car insurance

Car insurance is one of the ongoing expenses you’ll be familiar with as a car owner. Rather than taking out individual policies, it’s wise to get multi-car insurance for the drivers that live at your address. This is a great way to save money as you’ll often get a discount for each car you insure on the policy. Plus, it makes managing your car insurance much easier, as all your documents will be in one place.

Compare fuel costs locally

Another great way to save some money is to seek out the cheapest petrol or diesel in your local area. Instead of going to your nearest station for convenience, head to a petrol pump with the lowest cost per gallon. To avoid driving out of your way, tie in filling up your tank with any other errands or activities you need to do around that petrol station.

Look for discounts and promotions

You may be able to take advantage of discounts and promotional offers when it comes to your annual MOT and service. It’s worth checking online to see if any garages have discount codes that will cut the cost of your MOTs before you book. Some may offer multi-car discounts for MOTs and services, give you money back when you book a service or provide cheaper rates when you set up an account with them.  

Do regular vehicle maintenance

Not only is it important to keep on top of your vehicle maintenance for safety reasons, but also save you cash in the long run. Making sure your cars are running smoothly will help them to stay healthy for longer and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs later down the line. For example, you should check the tyre treads, engine oil levels, cooling systems, and exhausts regularly.

Wash them yourself

While you may be tempted to head to your local car wash when it’s time for your vehicles to be cleaned, it’s worth doing this yourself. The average basic wash costs around £15 according to Check a Trade, so if you went once per month, this could save you £180 per year per car. If you have two cars that’s £360 per year, for three cars it’s £540 per year, and so on – which is a massive saving!

By following these tips, you can help to cut your car-related costs for your household.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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