5 Tips In Identifying your Home Decor Style

a sofa with pretty cushions, a plant, vase on a table
*Collaborative Post

Home decor styles are an essential component of our homes. It provides taste, boldness, and creativity that just radiates to the wholeness of beauty for our interiors. However, when we don’t know what aesthetic our homes must be in, it’s probably best to rethink the best possible measures we could take to have that lovely home we always want. Sure hiring an interior designer is good, but it just gets too costly by the time we get our bill.

From modern rustic designs to cozy comfort, and modern interiors, we all want the best look for our homes. However, when we just don’t know the best style to associate with them, there are still a lot of things you can do to make your home interiors flourish through time. Being resourceful with what you have is a key component to having the most appealing look for your homes, and you might just save on your budget for refurbishing rather than hiring a professional just to make your homes look better.

Here are 5 tips we can give you to identify your home decor style:

Browse catalogues and online inspos

Browsing for the most iconic look for your home is the top recommendation we could give you. When browsing online or through catalogues, you can see many design inspirations you could imitate at home. You might want to go modern or classic, or anything you want that fits perfectly with your taste. Moreover, you will also have a clear and vivid look as to what you want your home to get into so you can have an amazing-looking space at home.

bedroom design

Closet cues

Some homeowners might want a certain style but somehow it does not suit them. To avoid this kind of situation, you can always browse through your wardrobe and have a look at what colours appeal to you. Perhaps, you have a taste for neutral or bright colours, then you can go with your favourite colour palettes. Consequently, you can start by changing your window covers such as your curtains or your roman blinds; window covers overpower the colours of the house and you will be surprised how they can make your homes look better (of course according to your colour preference).

Online Quizzes

There are a lot of online quizzes you can take so you can have that specific interior that you want. You might not realize it, but online quizzes also analyze your favourites so you can still incorporate them into your homes while providing the best possible style that you want inside.

Don’t worry, most online quizzes can be taken for free!

Check your exteriors

Creating the best look inside your homes should not be isolated on the interiors only, but also with the exteriors. You might have an old-looking home with bricks around the walls, so you can go with a rustic and modern look inside. Yet, if you have a home that’s composed mostly of wooden foundations and walls, then you might want to try creating a cabin-like interior that can make your home look breathable and cozy on most days. Trust us, you’ll love how it will turn out.

log cabin style bathroom

Look back on what you love

If you still could not find the specific interior that you want, then try jotting down things that you love for your interiors. Do you want something new and modern? Maybe you absolutely adore a fluffy rug paired with hardwood? Do you want a classic or iconic home? Or do you want a home that reminds you of your childhood?

Try noting them and search for the designs accompanied by them; it’s your time to get creative while loving how your home will become.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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