7 Simple Secrets to Totally Rocking Your Travel

travel budget planning with a notebook and map
*Collaborative Post

If you want to rock your traveling experience without money, you must have complete knowledge of the destination you are planning to visit. Along with the tight schedule and limited amount of money you can have an excellent experience if you know exactly where to go, how to live there and what to do there? To get a grip on the place, you must study the destinations and the eating and staying opportunities. You must know which airlines can be used to travel to that place or which can cost you the lowest. Talking about low-budget travel, you can also opt for flyDubai Airlines, which provides a number of services including free COVID-19 global cover. They provide travel services to more than 90 destinations to date including Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Muscat, etc. So, how exactly can you still rock your travel whilst on a budget?…

Can you really travel the world without money?

While it is possible to get free accommodation, transportation and even meals, there will always be certain expenses that you will have to do. It will be necessary to buy things as simple as personal hygiene items or laundry, but for this, I have included a section at the end of the article that deals with the topic of how to make money while traveling. However, regardless of the small and unavoidable expenses, I personally consider that there are two expenses that you will have to pay:

1. Visas and permits

2. International medical expenses insurance

We do not have control of the accidents or illnesses that can happen to us, either in our country or in another, but in the unfortunate event that will happen to you, not having health insurance is capable of financially ruining you and your family. Travel health insurance can be expensive but it is one of those things that is better to make the effort, pay for it and not use it than to need it and not have it.

Where To Stay Or Sleep?

Now, let’s start with the practical part and the tools of how to travel the world without money, or at least reduce your expenses when you travel. The first big question for any traveler is, where is he going to sleep? , but the truth is that this situation is the easiest to solve, foresee and for which there are many viable options to travel without money. In addition to the ones you are going to read, there are opportunities to get accommodation in exchange for working, either in hostels, farms, bars, etc., but all of these, with their respective links, are included at the end of the article in the section on how to earn. money while traveling.

Free accommodation

Several years ago one of the most popular projects the world of travel has seen emerged: Couchsurfing; In fact, I can say that it was thanks to this platform that I really started in the world of travel in 2009. Couchsurfing allows you to request and offer accommodation for free to people around the world. Similar to other social networks, you have to create your profile as completely as you can so that the people who are going to host you know a little about you. To find accommodation it is necessary to know a little more about the person you are going to ask, read their profile, references, see their photos and if you are interested, then send a personalized message.

House Sitting

How about staying for free at a beach house in Bali, a cabin in the woods, an apartment in Bangkok, a farm in Italy for free? This is possible as long as you like animals. So, if you like to travel and animals this is an ideal opportunity. House sitting is a term that defined a series of services where people who want to travel but cannot leave the house alone for a long time, since they do not have someone who can take care of their pets, can do so leaving a lucky traveler the responsibility of caring pets and stay to live in the house without paying a penny.

bench outside a home

Home Exchange

Similar to the previous option there is the possibility of exchanging houses. This idea became fashionable with the movie “The Holiday” or “The Rest”, and it is a reality, the only difficulty that exists is that you must have a house to exchange. In case you have a house and you are in a city with great tourist demand then your chances of getting free accommodation in other parts of the world are very high.

To Camp

There are thousands of travelers who camp on their trips, carry all the necessary equipment to spend one or several nights outdoors and only pay a hostel from time to time to shower and personal hygiene. Although I love sleeping outdoors and under the stars, this is not my style of travel, but I have lived and met people who do and enjoy it even more than sleeping in hotels or hostels. The only thing to keep in mind is that camping is not allowed in all places, some countries have specially designated areas and charge a minimum fee per night. In other countries, the same hostels rent the space per night and give you access to the common areas, bathroom and kitchen.

Hot Showers

This community is focused exclusively on cyclists, that is, people traveling by bicycle. Similar to Couchsurfing, here you can find places to camp, a sofa to sleep in or a hot shower.


I was hesitant to include this option as it is not exactly a place to get free accommodation but it can save you tons of money on your trip. If you still do not know what Airbnb is, it is basically a page to reserve accommodation (room, apartment or whole house) but the difference is that these properties are owned by ordinary people.

air bnb


Once again, this is not exactly free, however, it is a very good option to reduce your costs and have a different experience. In this case, Homestays are people who decide to rent a space in their house for people to stay in. It is a mix between Couchsurfing and Airbnb, you will stay with local people and you will have the cultural experience of doing it but here you have to pay. The prices are sometimes MUCH cheaper than a hotel/hostel or even Airbnb itself.

Hopefully some of these tips will totally allow you to rock your travel whilst on a budget.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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