How to Travel in a More Eco-Friendly Way

travel to mountains a couple sat on a wall
*Collaborative Post

These days, one of the top considerations people have when it comes to traveling and seeing the world is how to do it in a way that’s more sustainable and eco-friendly. Up to now, travel has been a big problem in terms of the climate and our carbon footprints, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. We’re going to talk today about some of the things you can do to make your travels greener and more eco-friendly.

Take a Train or Boat

First of all, you obviously need to think about the way in which you’re going to be travelling. Your method of travel will be one of the main things that dictate how eco-friendly your trip is in general. Taking a train or boat is generally considered the best way to travel distance if you want to avoid using a plane and the emissions that come with those.


Reduce the Plastic Waste You Generate

As part of your trip, you should think about what products you’re packing, taking and buying along the way. Sometimes, convenience is important and that leads people to using and buying more plastic than they otherwise might. That’s something that you’ll probably want to avoid though. So try to make a more conscious effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste you’re responsible for.

Stay Closer to Home

Staying close to home is another way to reduce your overall carbon footprint. Of course, if you’re not going as far then you won’t be using as much carbon to get there. You could take a road trip in a nearby area, for example, and enjoy the nature that is found on your doorstep. Finding the correct outdoor gear is a must if you want to spend a whole day out and about but don’t overlook finding the right type of stroller you can find appropriate ones at For Your Little One that are suited to outdoor adventure that way you can take the whole family on a rural exploration.

Support the Local Economy

Supporting the local economy of the area in which you’re staying is definitely something you’ll want to think about. By supporting the local economy, you’ll be helping local people and not encouraging the kind of pollution and carbon footprint that’s caused by larger multinational trade. Stay local, buy local and be proud of it. It’s something we should all be doing as we travel.

Leave Each Place as You Found It

An easy part of responsible tourism is, whenever you enter an area, especially when it’s a natural landscape, you should try to always leave it as you found it. If this is a principle that you can live by when traveling, you’ll definitely be able to enjoy a much more eco-friendly kind of trip and that’s exactly what you want. It’s a simple idea but when you make a greater effort to enforce it, you’ll do lots of things a little differently.

mother and child with a stroller in a woods

Be sure to make the most of each of the ideas here if you want to make sure all future travel adventures you have are more eco-friendly and gentler on the planet. It’s more than possible to travel in a greener and more considerate way if you’re willing to plan properly and put your mind to it.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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