Flush Your Ex This Valentine’s Day with Who Gives a Crap!

flush your ex campaign
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Valentine’s Day can bring a bag of mixed emotions – love, heartbreak, good/bad memories – whatever it is for you you could always turn it into something fun this year with Who Gives a Crap. Do you have an ex who did you wrong? Someone who you wanna just flush down the toilet? Well, your luck is in because you can literally do just that with this new Valentine’s Day campaign!

Who Gives a Crap

If you aren’t sure who Who Gives a Crap are they are a sustainable toilet paper company that makes super soft toilet roll from recycled materials or from bamboo to ensure that your bottom is just as well cared for as the environment.

Every day, over 1 million trees are cut down to make traditional toilet paper. Such a waste! Cutting down trees just for TP is a total no-no for us. That’s why these rolls are made using 100% recycled materials. Helping to reduce deforestation by wiping your bum is what we’d call a yes-yes

WGAC Website

The company was started back in 2013 after founders Simon, Jehan and Danny learnt that around 2.4 billion people around the world didn’t have access to a toilet. That’s roughly 40% of the global population and also means that around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. They knew they had to help and so they created a toilet paper that was not only good for the environment but one that could give back to those who needed help. With 50% of their profits going to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world, Who Gives a Crap have always had care at the heart of their brand.

who gives a crap recycled toilet paper

On top of this, they also knew that they wanted to be able to offer their customers more which is why every roll is made using 400 sheets rather than the “bog-standard” (sorry not sorry) 200 you find with most other brands AND each sheet is 3-ply rather than 2-ply.

You can order your WGAC toilet paper as a one-off order or keep it coming at regular intervals with their easy-to-use subscription service… That way you will never run out!

If you’d like to find out more you can read my full Who Gives a Crap review here.

Flush Your Ex

Right, let’s get to the bit you are eager to read about – how to Flush Your Ex!

who gives a crap flush your ex campaign image

Who Gives a Crap wants to help you to move on from those bad ex’s and so for the very first time, you can send the company old love letters, bad poetry, postcards, soppy texts (written out) etc and they will print these onto your very own personalised recycled toilet paper which you can use and then flush away! Aah, closure!

If this sounds right up your street (or sewer!) then simply pop your correspondence into the post to the following location-appropriate address and the team at Who Gives a Crap will work their magic.

You can find out a bit more about this campaign here

From myself and Who Gives a Crap we hope you have a fantastic Valentine’s Day!

my signature

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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