Giveaway!! Raising Colic Awareness with Infacol and The White Company

giveaway for raising colic awareness
*Collaborative Post
Infant Colic, well what can I say? After months of our baby struggling with pain, not being able to sleep and with us trying every trick in the book it is safe to say that I have blocked as much as I can from my memory already. I think one of the most frustrating parts of Colic is the fact that there isn’t one simple answer to curing it. The doctors look at you and say ‘yeah it’s Colic’ like it is the most ordinary thing in the world and make you feel as though you are wasting their time but the thing is, Colic isn’t just one symptom it is many categorised under one name.
When else do we do this with a medical condition?!
It covers crying, wind, upset, digestive issues, a development leap… the list goes on. As parents, we are just supposed to accept this (it feels) and get on with it because “most babies grow out of it by 10 months” but for me, that wasn’t good enough. I couldn’t watch my baby in pain for months on end, I couldn’t survive on the little sleep I was getting whilst also running around after an older child and I hated being told that we would “get through it”

And I was not alone…

What I didn’t realise at the time was that Colic affects 1 in 5 babies. Yet here we all are still left to work it out for ourselves, pacing the floor all night, shushing a screaming baby and not being able to enjoy those first precious weeks or months.
1 in 3 Mums don’t know what Colic is, but then how could they when, as I say, it covers so many infant problems? There needs to be much more awareness.


Infacol is a leading Colic remedy company (one we used on both of our boys) and they have been carrying out their own research called ‘Stress in the First Six Months’ which found that 95% of parents find having a baby stressful, 82% agree that living up to expectations of being a good parent is stressful and excessive crying in infants is stressful for 85% of mums and dads. 
They are supporting Cry-sis in order to raise infant crying and colic awareness…


Cry-sis is the only UK charity offering help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems. From modest beginnings, (it was started in 1981 by a small group of parents) Cry-sis has become a well-respected national charity which:

  • provides a telephone helpline available 7 days a week from 9.00am until 10.00pm

  • offers advice and information on how to cope with a sleepless baby and/or a crying baby.

  • conducts research and increases public awareness.

    If you are suffering right now please do give them a call, I wish I had known about them months ago when William was going through a hard time.

They have plenty of tips over on their website too, such as:

  • To help your baby you can try movement, rocking the baby from side to side either face up or lying on their front along your arm. There are apps that demonstrate this.

  • Take your baby out in the buggy, movement and fresh air often helps babies to sleep and it’s easier on your arms than holding a baby all day.

  • Talking to your baby in a low monotone voice, humming or singing a repetitive tune, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sing in tune. Background noise, music or natural sounds can be downloaded as an app.

  • Experiment with light levels, low light can be calming for baby, or try a blackout blind.

    Read more here…


Out of the woods…

Luckily for us, we are out of the woods and on the other side of it all now but I would love to be able to help others achieve this too as there is nothing worse than seeing your baby in so much distress. Different things will work for different babies as there may be other issues which could be affecting the Colic, for us, it was his prematurity and after trying all sorts of remedies we finally found one that worked for us. But I want to be able to sit here and tell you that you are NOT alone. As you can see 1 in 5 babies have Colic so when you are in despair, rocking your baby for an hour at a time, sleeping deprived and feeling like parenthood isn’t for you, believe me there are others in the same boat and if you can just reach out to somebody or to another parent in the same position, you will be able to gain support. Sometimes just talking helps so much.

If you would like to join a supportive online community please do pop over to Facebook and request to join my parenting group From one parent to another.



Infacol has teamed up with The White Company to try and help a little with those sleep issues and to raise Colic awareness. They have offered this gorgeous Kimbo Seersucker Sleeping Bag 0.5 togs for 0-6 months worth £28.00 to give away to one lucky reader.

baby in sleeping bag


All you have to do is enter below:

Win Kimbo Seersucker Sleeping Bag for 0-6 months



Good luck!

my signature

*This is a collaborative post for further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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