Gummee Glove Review and Giveaway

Teething, it’s not the most fun of times, is it? It is definitely something that comes up time and time again on parenting advice pages, it is a sure-fire way of becoming more sleep deprived and it is a huge talking point when you meet up with your friends (parent friends, of course, although I am guilty of boring the non-parent ones on this topic too!)
I think that the one thing we all in common is that we want to find a way of helping our little ones out by easing their discomfort and symptoms as quickly as possible, but with so many products on the market, this can become very confusing. As I have mentioned in previous posts, it is basically a case of trial and error as every baby is different (both mine have been) but one symptom you can usually guarantee is that all of them has that huge chewing urge!
A baby needs to chew in order to help their gums to soften to allow those teeny teeth through but it also soothes and distracts them from the pain. And what is the first go-to thing to chew? Yep, their hand! It is the most recognisable sign in teething, isn’t it? Dribbling baby gnawing away on their fist, usually with their hands in as far as they can possibly go. But with this comes more discomfort as we have been finding out with William recently.

With the eruption of his first tooth, he is now causing injuries to himself by chewing on his hands and fingers and it will only continue to get worse as more teeth arrive.
However, one Mum has found an ingenious solution to this, Jodine who created The Gummee Glove…
“In June 2011, my little boy, Jimmy, was 10 weeks old when he started constantly gnawing on his hands. I was a little worried because he seemed a little frustrated and uncomfortable and was making the skin on his hands sore. I started holding teething toys to his mouth, which seemed to bring him some relief.”
“Of course, I did not mind holding traditional teething toys to his mouth, but you know what it’s like in those early days – you have so little time, a 5-minute shower can feel like a weekend at a luxury spa!”
“One day, while changing Jimmy’s nappy, I looked up and noticed that he had pulled the end of his sock loose on his hand (I could not find effective ‘stay-on’ scratch mitts, hence socks on his hands) and he appeared to be really happy, chewing & slobbering over the end of this sock. This was my light bulb moment. I was straight on Google, looking for teething mittens. They did not exist. Now they do!”

Gummee Glove Review
The glove simply fits onto your baby’s hand and is secured with a velcro tab. It has 2 chewable sides which have raised areas for further satisfaction and a removable silicone chew toy on the top. The glove is brightly coloured and features a black and white pattern on the front which stimulates them visually as well as crinkles for auditory sensory. Each glove comes with a protective bag for when you are out and about which also doubles up as a wash bag.

Now admittedly, when it arrived I had to persuade William a little bit that it was ok to go on his hand. He wasn’t overly sure at first and looked at me as though I was a bit mad! Being a premature baby, some motor skills have taken him longer to master with his hand to mouth being the one he still struggles with even at 8 months but once I directed the Gummee Glove to his mouth a few times and he realised he had something new to chew on, he was well away on it. And the glove should also help to develop this skill as he learns to turn his hand to reach the other sections.

The best thing for us is that this little glove can easily be popped into its bag and is small enough to go into your changing bag or handbag so can provide relief even when you are out and about. We have removed the red silicone heart for him on occasions for him to just hold and chew on and I’ve noticed how the material on the glove makes a great dribble absorber too!
Now, the glove does state that it is designed for 3-6 months but as William is a little smaller than the average 8-month-old, the glove has fitted on him perfectly fine. However, they do also make one for 6-12 months and there are a variety of other teethers for to choose from over on their website.
COMP HAS NOW ENDED: How do you fancy winning one of your own? I have a yellow Gummee Glove (3-6 months, RRP £11.99) to win and as a BONUS prize, I am also throwing in a copy of my book ‘Your Teething Baby, from one parent to another’ which retails at £10.99 (You can find out more here). All you have to do is enter below:

Gummee Glove and ‘Your Teething Baby’ Book Giveaway!!
Good Luck

*We received the Gummee Glove in exchange for this review. As always, all opinions remain honest and my own. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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Fantastic price. New addition to family due in a couple of months. This would be a brilliant gift. Teething is a time when babies / children can require some additional comfort:- From a teether, etc.