How to Be More Involved in Your Child’s Education

a little girl reading
*Collaborative Post

If you want your child to succeed in school, it’s important for you to demonstrate your commitment to their performance by getting involved where you can. Showing that you genuinely care about their education will motivate them to try their best and do well. So, how can you get “more involved”? Here are some tips from a private school in Surrey.

Talk About School

Be sure to talk to your child each evening after school about the day’s events but avoid asking the same old questions because your conversations will become stale. Chatting with your child about their school day will also help solidify what they have learnt, which means they’ll be more likely to retain information going forward. Here are some examples of open-ended questions you could ask your child:

  • What was the best/worst part of your day?
  • What did you learn about in Science/Maths/English/History today?
  • Which lesson did you enjoy the most today? Why?
  • What did you do during your lunch break?
  • What rules are different at school than at home?
  • Are there any events coming up at school that you would like to get involved in?

Use positive terminology when talking about school to instil the right sort of attitude in your child. If you say things like “I hated school when I was your age” they may start to adopt the same approach, which you want to avoid.

Help With Homework

Try and make yourself available to your child when they’re doing their homework. If they start to struggle and there’s no one around to help them, they will be more likely to get frustrated and give up. Of course, you shouldn’t give your child all of the answers, but being around to give them some guidance will keep them motivated.

You should also make sure that your child has a dedicated space to complete their schoolwork at home. This must be well-lit, comfortable, and free from distractions. Providing your child with a study space within your home will show them how highly you regard their education.

mum helping her daughter with homework

Attend Events

Another way to show your child that you are dedicated to their progress in school is to attend any upcoming events, from parents’ evening to sports day! Visit the classroom and keep in touch with the teachers so that you know what might be coming up in the curriculum. You could even volunteer to chaperone the next school trip. This will show your child that you want to be involved and emphasise that their education is truly important to you.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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