How to secure sliding glass doors

sliding doors in a bedroom
*Collaborative Post

Many homeowners have sliding doors leading into their garden or out of a conservatory. They’re a great way to let lots of natural light into your home and offer a view into your garden. The downside of sliding glass doors is that they are often susceptible to break-ins.

Sliding glass doors are often locked with latches rather than the types of locks you’d find on your front door, making them easier to lock pick. Likewise, they can be easily dislocated from their hinges with a few tools. So how can you ensure your sliding glass doors are safe and secure and protect your home?

Add blocking bars

Many homeowners with sliding glass doors use a wooden or metal blocking bar. This can be placed along the bottom track of your composite sliding door. With a blocking bar in place, any burglar who manages to pick the lock will not be able to push the door open.

Alternatively, you could buy a ‘charlie bar’ – a foldable blocking bar that sits on the door at about waist height. This is easier than managing a heavy wooden or metal blocking bar at the base of the door and is especially popular among older homeowners. With both of these options, bear in mind if you ever need a locksmith, the bar will also prevent them from entering.

Apply shatterproof film

Another risk associated with sliding glass doors is that a burglar could break the glass. Fortunately, you can retain the views of your garden and add an extra layer of security by applying shatterproof film to do the doors.

Shatterproof film is inexpensive and you can opt for completely transparent film or tinted if you prefer. Many homeowners also apply shatterproof film to their ground floor windows to prevent break-ins.

Add a security lock or brace

Rather than just relying on the door latch to keep your glass doors secure, add extra locks or braces. Sliding doors can have a special security lock installed at the top of the door whilst French doors can have security braces added at their base.

These extra locks mean even if the lock is picked on your glass doors or a burglar is able to remove them off their hinges, the door will remain closed. These extra locks are also great for child-proofing your doors.

sliding doors in a kitchen

Install alarms or sensors

Even if you put all of these security measures in place, a determined thief may still find a way into your home. The best way to protect your home from burglary is to install alarms or smart sensors.

For glass doors, you might consider a glass break detector or smart sensors that immediately alarm if the glass is broken or someone enters your home. Getting alarms professionally installed means you can add protection stickers to your home – another great deterrent.

Sliding glass doors are often vulnerable to burglars, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy having them in your home. By following these simple security steps, you can rest easy knowing your sliding glass doors are safe and secure. 

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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