Mummy Can We Pleeeeeease Get A Dog? (Considerations Before You Say Yes)

child and dog

*Collaborative post

It’s a request that most parents have heard at some point – can we get a dog?! Yes, it’s when the kids realise that dogs aren’t just pets that other people have, but that they could get one in their very own home too. Of course, it’s a tough question to answer from the parents’ side of things, because it’s not only about giving your child a cute new canine best friend. Luckily, I have outlined some of the things to consider before getting a dog. Read on to find out more.

Are the kids old enough?

Many families have a dog when the kids are young and experience no problems at all. However, some younger children can find it hard to understand that the family pup is a living, breathing animal and not just a super smart stuffed toy. Sadly, this can lead them to chase your pooch around, pull at its coat, and generally make the poor dog’s life pretty tough, something you can read more about at sites like

Of course, the problem only gets worse if you have a dog that has been rescued from a dangerous situation, or has a bad/unpredictable temper because then they can retaliate when annoyed and bite the child. Something that no dog owner will want to go through. Therefore it is vital that you ask whether your kids are old enough to understand exactly how to treat a dog well before you agree to have one in the house. Out of all of these considerations before getting a dog, this is probably the most important.

Have you got the time, money, information, and energy for a pup?

Next, before you consent to your child’s request to get a puppy, you need to ask yourself whether you are set up to offer them a healthy and happy home. To do this you need to consider whether you have the money to pay for their upkeep, and the time and energy to walk them at least twice a day.

Also, you need to ask yourself whether you know enough about dogs, and the particular breed you will be bringing into the home.  Although, if you are struggling here, you can get some detailed information from sites like that specialise in canine care. After all, the more info you have, the better your dog’s life will be, and that is something that should be a top priority if you are going to make a pup a successful part of the family.

Are you willing to groom the dog regularly?

Lastly, don’t forget that caring for your hound isn’t just about feeding and walking them, in fact, you have to groom them on a regular basis as well.

In particular, remember to pay attention to the smaller issues that can cause your dog to be uncomfortable such as eye crust that needs gently cleaning away, and excessive hair growth in the ears that need to be trimmed.

Although, if you don’t want to deal with these sorts of tasks yourself you can always employ the help of professional dog groomer to assist you. Something that is worth considering if this is the only thing standing in the way of you agreeing to get a dog!

Getting a dog is a big commitment so do take these things into consideration before making that decision.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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