Should You Renovate Or Move? A Few Things to Consider

outside of house with shutters

*Collaborative Post

If you are unhappy with your current living arrangements or environment, you simply have two options: start again somewhere else, or make the most out of what you have. Moving is not without stress, and it can cost you a lot of money whereas improving your house can be as simple as new windows, sewer drain cleaning or giving it a new coat of paint. If you decided to fully renovate your home, there could be never-ending expenses and chaos. There are pros and cons to each solution. Below you will find a few pointers that will help you decide which ones are the best for you.

Your Finances

If there is one thing that can stop you from moving on or improving your home, it is your budget. Look at the different locations and homes for sale in your target area. Could you afford the payments and would you get the extra money you need? While there are affordable new build houses for sale in popular locations, you will really have to think about your long term plans. Are they going to be suitable for you and your family for the next decade or so? Another factor to consider are the costs of an Estate Agent you will need to carefully consider whether you could afford one or how you could look around and work out how to save money on one. On the other hand, if you have enough finances and are ready to move, it’s essential to find a long distance moving company to help make the transition process seamless. Moving can be stressful, but with the right help and planning, it can be much easier and less overwhelming.

Your Family Ties

Moving can also be stressful when it comes to the family. You will need to consider whether or not your kids will see their grandparents as often as they can. Are you going to have to take them to another school? Is it going to be a stress for them? If the answer is yes, you will have to think twice about moving. Your social net and family support system is a part of your life. It is hard to simply start over again alone.

The Size of the Repairs Needed

When you are unhappy with your home because there are simply too many things going wrong, you will need to first get an estimate for the repairs. Chances are that there will be some home improvement jobs you and one of your family members can take care of on a budget, so it will cost you less than it would to apply for a new home loan. Seeking out local and reliable companies can also be more beneficial because you can take the time to discuss your needs, they can visit your property to gain a better perspective and they may be able to offer more deals. Areas that often need looking at are redecorating, enlarging rooms, plastering, and adding new windows. Always begin your online search with local businesses such as double glazing Bristol to see what you can make happen.

If your renovation is going to be much larger you will also want to compare the price of the credit and the additional cost of the mortgage and see if you can remortgage your existing home, instead of moving. Of course, you will have to decide based on your space needs, too. If your home is far too small, you have to decide between building an extension or relocation.

renovated home

Your Long Term Plans

It is crucial that you think about your family long term. You might have teenagers at home at the moment, but they will fly the nest, and you will not need the extra space. Alternatively, you might invest in a home that is suitable for multiple generations. What happens when you have to look after one of your parents long term? Will there be an extra room or an annex for them? How about retirement when you would like to enjoy the peace and quiet and tranquil surroundings, maybe the garden?

The choice between moving and renovating or extending your home is never straightforward. List the pros and cons to make an informed decision you will not regret.

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*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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