Simple ways to support your child’s home learning

2 girls home learning
*Collaborative Post

If there’s one thing we’ve learned this past year, it’s that home-schooling is not for the faint-hearted. Who knew that teaching our children the basics of mathematics, English and even science could be so demanding and so frustrating?

You may have a newfound respect for teachers and educators, but in the meantime finding ways to help enhance your child’s home learning experience is essential. Their education may be a little all over the place right now, but you’re doing your best and that’s the main thing. Here we’ll explore some simple ways you can support your child’s home learning.

Invest in a printer and ink supplies!

We’re living in an increasingly digitised world, but that doesn’t mean your child won’t need access to paper-based activities and homework printouts. Knowing how to reset ink cartridge issues can be a practical skill when supporting your child’s home learning, ensuring their printer is always ready for school projects. This is where a reliable home printer comes in and access to a good supply of high-quality Epson cartridges. Choosing a good ink supplier will ensure you always have the inks you need at the price that suits your budget. So, don’t run out! Having full access to a home printer will certainly enhance your child’s home learning and provide access to all kinds of activities, not just computer-based ones.

Set up space just for studies

Whether they’re practising writing their name or they’re trying their hand at long division, providing them with a space that’s just for their studies will help enhance their home learning experience. You don’t need to have access to a private home office or cut off an entire area of your home, just somewhere that’s peaceful and away from everyday distractions such as the TV, toys, siblings and even pets!

Consider a reward system

Your child is working hard, so reward them! A simple reward system can help them monitor their own progress and provide a sense of achievement. They don’t have to make an entire papier mâché model from scratch to earn a reward, just showing perseverance and enthusiasm to their studies can warrant a little treat. Stickers, sweets, additional screen time – whatever you think they’ll appreciate the most. Just remember to set clear expectations and don’t put too much pressure on them.

Spend time outdoors

The classroom isn’t just based inside, there’s a lot they can learn by stepping outdoors too. From learning about the weather and nature, to PE and learning about the environment. Stepping outside the classroom and placing them in a different environment can enhance their learning and keep their interest. It also means you can all enjoy some fresh air.

Keep in touch with the school

Having issues with the work? Are you struggling to understand it yourself? You’re not alone. This is why keeping in touch with their teachers and parents is essential. Perhaps your child needs more support – if you speak with their teacher they may be able to provide additional resources.

And finally, don’t be too hard on each other

Home-schooling isn’t easy and there may be moments of frustration. Remember not to be too hard on each other, you’ve both been thrown in at the deep end!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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