So You Reckon Your Garden Can Only Be Used In The Summer? Think Again

frozen lead- winter garden

*Collaborative Post

The floral scents of the blossoming spring perennials and the fruiting apple trees coming into their own in late August are two of the many things that you adore about your garden. The outdoor space that you’ve lovingly created is a haven for relaxing, a peaceful alfresco dining area and a place where your kids can frolic on hot, balmy summer days. But now that the cooler days have descended and you’re looking forward to wintertime huddled up around a roaring fire with your family, you may think that you are saying goodbye to another season of garden usage. However, that’s where you’d be wrong. Take a look at these incredible ways that you can still completely utilise your garden this winter.



There’s nothing better than having friends around on a chilly autumn evening for drinks and spending some time in the peaceful haven that is your garden. Just because the sun is long gone doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ambience of the outdoors. Grab yourself a tall pyramid flame patio heater and chill out with your pals regardless of the temperature. With a range of stunning designs to suit any garden from the modern and minimalist to the ornamental and English country, you can enjoy your outdoor space well into the winter season.

patio furniture



The range of canopies to cover your patio seating area range from the budget waterproof awnings to the luxurious and expensive gazebos. Hearing the rhythmic pitter-patter of the rain on your canopy as you relax underneath on a garden lounger with a good book and a glass of wine while the kids are away on a play date can provide the ultimate relaxation. You could enjoy outdoor dinner parties with friends, alfresco Sunday roasts with the family or intimate date night suppers with your loved one under your new winter-proof shelter. As long as you’re warm and dry, why not venture into the garden this winter to enjoy your outdoor space?




The winter months can be hugely traumatic for your garden. A week or two of persistent rain can turn your well-manicured lawn into an unruly jungle. With the weather being highly temperamental you may be forced to wait until the following spring before you can whip out your mower again and tackle the bed of weeds, wild grasses and thistles. However, the benefits of artificial grass mean that your worries about the weather can be a thing of the past. There’s no need for cutting, weeding or keeping your eye out for those unsightly brown patches and you can have a realistic feeling and perfectly laid lawn underfoot. On those dry and pleasant days in the winter, you can once again enjoy your green space.


Winter is a season of morning dew, evening frosts, one-pot meals and onesies. Although the warm summer sun may have set for another year, the fun and enjoyment you have in your garden don’t need to follow suit. Why not winter-proof your garden and relish spending time in your outdoor space this year?

Do you have any tips for enjoying a winter garden? I’d love to hear them.

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*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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