the cheek of pampers and why I am calling them out on their #cheektest

The Cheek Of Pampers: Why I’m Calling Them Out On Their #Cheektest

Right, so this week has been interesting to say the least! If you have been following me on social media you will by now be all too aware of the new Pampers influencer campaign designed to prove that their nappies are in fact the driest out there. Seems like the normal type of advert for single-use nappies right? Always trying to prove their nappies will keep a baby’s bum the driest. Yep, except that in this instance they decided to take their marketing steps too far by asking parents/influencers/bloggers to take 2 perfectly good nappies and soak them with water to really prove their point. Now, if that had been 1 nappy on a TV ad I doubt any of us would have batted an eyelid. I mean we’ve seen that most days on our screens for over 30 years now haven’t we? However, when they are asking 100’s of people to pour 200 ml of water on each of them to test which is drier on their cheeks all for a huge Instagram campaign, well that’s a different story…

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