baby asleep in black and white image

How I Solved my Baby’s Colic and Reflux Problem

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If you have followed William’s journey, you will know that soon after coming home from the hospital he began to suffer from colic and reflux. Jake never had these problems so everything I was seeing and experiencing was all completely new to me. I had heard of parents pacing the floor all night but until I had William I honestly never had a clue how bad things could be. I was shattered. I felt defeated by the lack of sleep and the endless crying and being told by doctors that ‘it’s just colic’ wasn’t enough for me. I’m not one to sit back and wait for things to work themselves out, especially when it comes to health. I need to be actively finding a solution, looking for tips, doing anything to help my children and just waiting for him to grow out of it all was never an option. 

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