baby laying on his back underneath a wooden climber wearing a reusable nappy

Coping With Reusable Nappy Leaks

Reusable nappy leaks⁣? Ok, so they DO happen. Yes, cloth is better than disposables for this and yep you won’t experience a poonami with them BUT they are not magic and I really do believe that some people think that they shouldn’t ever get a leak from reusables and once they do, it gets blown out of proportion. My first child wore disposables and if I spent all my time posting into groups every time he had a nappy leak, that would be all I’d spend my time doing! Honestly, we had nighttime leaks, we had day out leaks, we had pressure leaks and we had far too many poo explosions for my liking.⁣ ⁣

I started to cloth bum my second child and in comparison to disposables

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