When it comes to making that leap from disposable nappies to cloth nappies, you won’t be surprised to hear that the ones who usually instigate this change are the Mums. You also won’t be surprised to hear that getting Dad on board with cloth nappies can be quite tricky. And this isn’t because men don’t care as much about the environment or about not having chemicals next to their baby’s skin, it is usually just simply because they tend to tackle things in a slightly different way. Men like facts and figures, they like to see the costs, they want to know that the change is going to benefit them and be worthwhile in the long term.
Continue reading “How To Get A Reluctant Dad On Board With Cloth Nappies”Tag: diapers
Coping With Reusable Nappy Leaks
Reusable nappy leaks? Ok, so they DO happen. Yes, cloth is better than disposables for this and yep you won’t experience a poonami with them BUT they are not magic and I really do believe that some people think that they shouldn’t ever get a leak from reusables and once they do, it gets blown out of proportion. My first child wore disposables and if I spent all my time posting into groups every time he had a nappy leak, that would be all I’d spend my time doing! Honestly, we had nighttime leaks, we had day out leaks, we had pressure leaks and we had far too many poo explosions for my liking.
I started to cloth bum my second child and in comparison to disposables
Continue reading “Coping With Reusable Nappy Leaks”Your Cloth Nappy Questions Answered
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Changing to cloth nappies has been a really positive move for us as a family. Not only are we reducing our waste and helping the environment, we are also saving money and in a year this could even amount to as much as £500! Children cost enough money as it is and I would rather spend those vital pennies on a day out than on something that will end up in a landfill.
Since writing about the change, I have been asked quite a few questions about how they work, what they are like, how washing impacts on my week and so on, so I thought the best way to help would be to answer all of these in one place.
Continue reading “Your Cloth Nappy Questions Answered”All in One Cloth Nappies- everything you need
You would have probably read in my last post that we are making the move over to cloth nappies. This is for quite a few reasons but the most important being the fact that they are eco-friendly and they will be saving us money in the long-run… up to £500 a year did you know?! We are starting with the all in one cloth nappies but I know there are other versions available and there is a lot for me to still find out but for now, I am going with what seems to be the easiest option.
Continue reading “All in One Cloth Nappies- everything you need”