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Embrace Your Fashion Mishaps; They’re Lessons

*Collaborative Post

The fashion industry is perceived as a liberating world that encourages people to express their personality through the means of clothes and accessories. From playful to professional, you can play a variety of characters depending on the outfits you choose to wear.

However, don’t be fooled by the apparent freedom you can gain from fashion. Fashion is only liberating if you do it right. Otherwise, you might struggle to convey the right message through your outfit. Consequently, fashion faux-pas, mishaps, and mistakes are commonly pointed out. Many enthusiastic fashionistas feel somehow limited by the fear of criticism. The truth is that you don’t want people to comment negatively on your look. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t let your fear of fashion failure – the infamous FFF – hold you from exploring the infinite possibilities of clothes. Every mistake you make is a lesson you can learn to improve your style. Nobody knows what works for them without testing. Trial and error is the quickest path to creating a look that is unique and engaging.

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