Top Hospitals in Germany

a stethoscope from a hospital
*Collaborative Post

There are dozens of large hospitals in Germany, whose doctors achieve phenomenal results in treating even the most serious diseases. Patients turn to these clinics for treatment of cancer, neurological pathologies, heart diseases, arthrosis and many other diseases. In addition, there are many good specialized centers in Germany. They specialize in sports medicine, orthopedics, reproductive medicine, ophthalmology, rehabilitation and other areas of medicine.

The Leaders

Among the best hospitals in Germany are undoubtedly the large university hospitals. These include the Charité (Berlin), the hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, the University hospital Goethe University of Frankfurt-am-Main, the Carl Gustav Carus Clinic (Dresden), the university centers of Hamburg-Eppendorf, Heidelberg, Halle, and other top hospitals.

All of these hospitals in Germany are large and multidisciplinary. Almost all fields of medicine are represented there. University centers conduct research and are quick to introduce new treatments. The best doctors in the world work here; world stars, politicians and businessmen are treated here.

How to Choose Among Leading Hospitals

No hospital is clearly the best at everything, but almost every hospital has a few areas of medicine that are a priority. These are where the greatest successes are achieved. Booking Health selects a hospital for each patient individually, based on diagnosis or symptoms.

Sometimes the choices are very limited. Some innovative treatments are only available in a few hospitals. For example, proton therapy is only available at the university hospitals in Heidelberg or Essen, while MRI-guided laser ablation of glioblastoma is only available at the Beta-Klinik in Bonn or the University Hospital in Mainz.

Some therapies and surgical techniques are used in many major hospitals. However, some clinics achieve better results. In these hospitals, treatment is more effective, more sparing and safer for your health. Booking Health specialists have statistical information on different German clinics, so they can choose the best option for you based on your diagnosis.

What Must You Mention?

When choosing a clinic, there are a number of additional parameters to consider:

  • The nearest available dates when you can be treated (some diseases progress quickly or cause severe pain, limit the patient’s activity, and in such cases patients want to get help sooner)
  • Geographical location – whether it is convenient to get here from your country (it is possible that you will have to return to Germany more than once)
  • Patient feedback
  • Comfort level
  • Availability of all necessary treatment methods, so that you do not have to change clinics in the future (for example, it is more convenient to undergo cancer treatment in a hospital where surgeries, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and possibly rehabilitation are performed)

Choosing a clinic on your own is a difficult task for a patient. If you are having trouble choosing, you can get advice from a Booking Health specialist. Leave a request on the website, describe your case and attach medical documents. We will contact you within 24 hours to recommend the best hospital for your treatment in Germany.

Where to Start Your Trip

To get treatment in the best medical centers in Germany, use the services of Booking Health. On our service you can find a suitable clinic according to rating, price and patient reviews. Medical tourism operator Booking Health organizes your trip to Germany. We offer:

  • Choosing a clinic whose doctors specialize in treating specific conditions and achieving the best results
  • Direct communication with your physician
  • Reduced waiting time for treatment and appointments at dates convenient for you
  • Reduction of treatment costs due to the absence of additional fees for foreign patients
  • Preparation of the medical program without the need to repeat previously performed tests
  • Communication with the clinic after completion of the program
  • Purchase and delivery of medicines
  • Organization of additional diagnostics or treatment in Germany

Booking Health specialists provide quality services. We will book hotel and air tickets for you, organize transfers from the airport to the clinic and back.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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