Top Tips for Helping Your Child Learn a New Language

mum and duaghter sat ona sofa
*Collaborative Post

Helping your child learn a new language from a young age can help set them up for future success. Not only will it look great on their CV, but it will also help improve their memory, allow them to develop multi-tasking skills and also promotes cultural appreciation. You may be wondering how you can help your child learn a new language, especially if you’re not bilingual yourself. The good news is there are many things you can do, as explored below by an independent school in Surrey below.


The best thing you can do is to try and incorporate the new language into your everyday lives. Label household items that your child uses regularly so that they are frequently exposed to common vocabulary. When referring to these items, encourage your child to use their translated name. You could also watch TV shows and films in the chosen language with the English translation so that your child can get used to hearing it spoken in casual conversation.

No Pressure

Try and refrain from putting too much pressure on your child when it comes to learning a new language, as this will only make them feel self-conscious and demotivated. If you cannot speak the language yourself, it would be wise to have a look at some teaching tools online. There are lots of apps and games that your child could use to practise their language regularly. You could also look for some classes in your local area, as this will turn the learning experience into a social event that your child can look forward to and develop other skills.


When it comes to learning a new language, it’s a good idea to encourage your child to practise little and often. If they spend two hours study on a Monday afternoon, they may have forgotten much of what they have learnt by the following Monday afternoon. You could use flashcards to help practise with them, which have English words on one side and the translation on the other.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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