Undeniable Signs That It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Your Car
*collaborative post
It’s a sad day when you have to say goodbye to your car.
After years of giving you driving joy and pleasure, knowing that it’s time to replace your beloved motor with a new set of wheels can be heartbreaking.
And it’s not only feelings of sadness you have to worry about. You might also experience feelings of worry and stress because when you know you have to begin the car-buying process again, you might have concerns about the financial implications involved.
Still, in the long term, you might experience happier feelings with a new car on the driveway, especially if you relate to the signs we list below. And considering the financial advice offered by reputable dealerships it shouldn’t cost you a fortune, either, so some of your fears can be allayed.
So, without further ado, these are the undeniable signs that it’s time to say goodbye to your car.
#1: You have children to consider
With children to consider, you have to think about both safety and practicality when it comes to your car. If your current vehicle is no longer safe to drive, or if it isn’t kitted out with some of the latest safety features that come as standard on more modern vehicles, then you really should consider the upgrade. And you will need extra space too, so if you don’t have enough room for your growing family, in both seat and boot capacity, then in the words of Brody from the movie Jaws, ‘you’re going to need a bigger boat.’ Or, in this case, a bigger car! Check out our article on what to look for in a family car, and then start to shop around at dealerships near you.
#2: Your insurance costs keep rising
The older your car is, the more expensive it will be to insure. Unsurprisingly, this is because old age equates with a higher risk on the road, as with ageing parts and fewer safety features, your vehicle might be more prone to mechanical faults and chances of an accident. This sucks, we know, especially if you are an exceptional driver and you have done your best to maintain your vehicle, but such is the way insurance companies work. So, if you have noticed your insurance premiums rising year after year, the age of your car might be the reason. While there are ways to reduce your premiums, you might still decide to replace your car, especially if the other reasons on this list ring true for you.
#3: It’s no longer cost-effective to run your car
Your insurance premium isn’t the only thing you need to worry about. The older your car is, the less fuel-efficient it will be, which is not only damaging to the environment, but it’s also damaging to your pocket when you forever have to top it up with fuel. Then there are repair and servicing costs to consider, so if your car spends longer at the garage than on your driveway, then you need to question what it’s doing to your finances. Buying a new (or almost-new) car isn’t cheap, but in the long-term, this might be the better option for you if your current motor is driving you down the road of financial ruin.
You will soon forget about your old car when you have something safer and cheaper to run on your driveway, so if you have related to what we have said in this article, perhaps today is the day you give your current motor notice. You can still take a pic of it for your mantelpiece, before waving it farewell as you make room in both your heart and on the drive for something new.
It doesn’t have to be all bad saying goodbye to your car, this is the time to look to something new and exciting.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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