What I Love About Breastfeeding

I have been very lucky. Breastfeeding has come easily and naturally with both of my children and I’ve never experienced any issues or, thankfully, no negative comments when feeding out and about. I know there are a lot of reasons that other women may not be able to do it, why they feel they have to give up or why they feel it isn’t for them but as I have previously mentioned, I do believe that the key to changing this is via support. I really wish that more Mothers could
experience the journey I have done so far and I will continue to offer up my tips, open my inbox up to you and continue to talk about it in order to help any way I can, even if it means just one Mum gets even an extra month of exclusively feeding.
So, today I want to share with you why I love breastfeeding and what it means for me.
The Bond
This is the biggie for me and for many Mothers. The bond you get from breastfeeding your baby is indescribable. Watching that gorgeous latch, having those big baby eyes look up to yours, the contentment you both feel, those little hands gently stroking the boob as they feed, the list just goes on. I love the fact that the baby needs me this much and I love that I can settle him quickly and easily.
It’s Free!
Babies cost enough as it is and formula prices are high, aren’t they? So I will look at anything that will save me money and breastfeeding, for me, is a no-brainer as I have milk here on tap!

Good for Your Body
Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day which means you will return to that pre-baby weight sooner. Although, I think the first time around I used that as a great excuse to eat far too much for six months! It also contracts your uterus during those first few weeks of feeding which brings everything back to where it is meant to be after birth. The body is just fascinating, isn’t it?
I Finally Get Boobs!!
I’m sorry, I am getting the shallow reasons out of the way right now but if like me, you have lived your entire life with A cup boobs you will be with me on this. I finally get to know what it is like to fill out a top, to have a cleavage and to feel womanly. My flat chest is replaced with C or D cups and I embrace this change. I just wish they would stay… sob.
No Sterilising
Your breastmilk is already sterilised for your baby and there is no prep whatsoever. I bought a steriliser just in case and have only used it a handful of times.
Whip them out Anywhere!
The joy of having milk on tap is that it is right there, whenever your baby needs it, no prep and it comes out at the perfect temperature. You can just whip your boob out at any moment, feed your baby, job done.

Carry Light
When Jake was a newborn, I remember another Mum looking baffled at me. I asked her what was wrong and she said: “where’s your changing bag?” I said well, it’s this little one here and pointed to a small bag I had stuffed under the pushchair. She asked how I could come out with so little and I replied with, “I only need a couple of nappies, wipes and a change of clothes.” She was amazed and showed me her much larger bag which was filled to the brim with bottles and formula for the entire day. Getting ready to go out for the day as a breastfeeding Mum is much quicker and easier, and less complicated it would seem.
No Planned Feeds
I get asked so often, how much milk does your baby need in a day, how many ounces are they taking? The simple answer is, I have no idea! Both of my children have fed (and one is still fed) on demand. They take exactly what they need when they need it. Ok, so yes, that can mean that some nights they may wake more than other nights, but it also means it’s one less thing for my tired baby brain to cope with!!
Easy Night Feeds
I don’t do tired very well so to be able to lay in bed and feed a baby from my boob is a perfect option for me. I know you can now buy bottle warmers and prep everything before you go up, but I’m too tired even for all of that! Co-sleeping has been a blessing this time around and it has meant that feeding has been even easier and sleep is happening as much as I can expect with a baby.
The Perfect Excuse
Breastfeeding gives you the perfect excuse to sneak off for some quiet time especially when you have a house full of eager visitors. You can easily say that you need your comfy bed to lay on whilst feeding or that the baby needs some quiet so he isn’t distracted.

It Is Specifically Made for Your Baby
My breast milk is best for my baby because it is made just for him and can tailor to his every need, fact. To begin with, there is the Colostrum which is engineered to be low in fat but high in carbohydrates and protein, making it quickly and easily digestible to newborns. The first milk is sweeter for a baby than it is if you were feeding a toddler to make it easier for them to smell and navigate them to your boob, plus it is much tastier for them. It is also thicker and gradually thins as it matures to meet the needs of your ever-changing baby. Your milk also alters when your little one is ill (which can be seen if you pump) by providing them with extra antibodies to fight any infection. It also increases in volume if your baby is feeding more, it provides comfort during teething, tiredness, upset and illnesses and alters depending on the time of day by providing extra serotonin for sleep at night time. There is so much more to this but these are the main pointers. It’s just mind-boggling, isn’t it?!
Environmentally Friendly
It is also very good for the environment, don’t forget. No packaging, no mass factory production, no extra water, no waste. Another great reason to give it a go trying to stick at it for as long as you can.
Are there any reasons to love breastfeeding that I’ve missed? What do you love about it?

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