What Seeds Should I Be Sowing in March?

Spring is trying its best to reach us and in a few weeks, we are sure the weather will begin to turn making it the ideal time to start sowing those seeds ready for a good summer crop. But which seeds should you be focussing on first? Here are what seeds your should be sowing in March…
Indoor Sowing
Some seeds need to be started off indoors to give them the best chance of growth at this time of year. Our UK weather can be pretty unpredictable so the use of a windowsill inside the home, a greenhouse or a garden room are some of the best ways to get your seedlings to pop up strong and healthy. The warmer the spot the better it is.
- Tomatoes
- Cucumber
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Chillies
- Sweet Peppers
- Kale
- Rocket*
- Spinach*
*Depending on your garden type and the weather you can choose to do these indoors or outdoors.
You will need:
- Sowing trays or individual growing tubes – these can be easily made out of toilet roll tubes
- Peat free compost
- Trowel
- Watering can
- Pen and labels
- Possibly a heat lamp if your chosen location isn’t warm/sunny enough
Once your seedlings begin to outgrow their tray you can thin and transfer them to either your greenhouse or straight out into beds or pots.
Sowing Outdoors with cover
Some seedlings are a little hardier and can be started off outside but with cover from a cloche just to protect them from those chilly nights… and the birds!
- Brussels Sprouts
- Summer Cabbage
- Beetroot
- Cauliflower
- Leeks
- Onions
- Peas
- Spring Onion
- Turnips
- Spinach
- Rocket
Sowing Outdoors
The toughest of seedlings that can go straight out are:
- Parsnip
- Radish
- Carrots
- Lettuce
Flower Seeds
This is the perfect time to get those hardy annuals out including:
- Sweet Peas
- Wildflower Mixes
- California Poppies
- Cornflowers
Sowing these seeds in March will give you a really good start and you’ll soon discover that growing your own can be really satisfying and with the right seeds, growing location and care and attention you could be eating crops right straight from your garden in no time.