15 Perfectly Positive Things To Do Whilst In Isolation

With so much worry and anxiety from the billions of posts, articles, fake news, images and confusing information that is flying around online right now I want to focus on the positive. I mean, we cannot control what is happening right now out in the real world BUT we can control how we use this time. You will never get time like this again so use it to your advantage. Forget about what’s going on around the world and channel your energy into enjoying something. I have 15 positive things to do whilst in isolation to give you a little inspiration and to help change your current mindset.
Read More
Remember all those times you moaned that you just never had any time to read anymore? Well, your time has come my friend!! Yes, you may still be working from home, yes you may be homeschooling the kids but both of these things do not take place 24/7. Some ideas on how to get more reading time in:
- Rise earlier
- Go to bed earlier and read there
- Read whilst your children read for school
- Read in your lunch break
- Have one night off from the TV and use this as reading time
- Read whilst the kids play in the garden
- Read in the bath
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll get through if you just make these few changes. After all, you won’t be going out which means you will have far more opportunities to pick that book up!

Write a Letter to Your Children
Right now, you are living history. This virus has brought the world to a standstill and we are apart of that. Writing letters about this period to your children that they can read in years to come will be giving them a little piece of history to keep. You could write a diary, include how you are feeling, what the kids are like each day, how homeschooling went, what you tried to do to keep them occupied, what the news is saying that day (maybe cut out clippings from newspapers too) and so on.
Long Distance Learning
If you aren’t working right now or you are thinking about a career change once all of this is over, why not sign up to an online college or University course? You have more time at home now to complete this and if your children see you learning it may also encourage them to learn alongside you. There are so many subjects you can choose from and most allow you to learn at your own pace. Something to think about, isn’t it?
Learn a Language
Why not attempt to learn a new language via online tutorials? YouTube will have plenty of content or you could do as above and seek out an online course.
Learn an Instrument
Tutors will still be offering their usual online services so why not take this opportunity to learn a new instrument? You could also do this with your children and learn together.

Take Up Yoga
During this time we are all going to feel the stress in our muscles especially if we are working from home and not sitting at an appropriate desk or on a comfortable chair, if we can’t do our usual exercise and just from being inside more than we usually are. Yoga instructors have plenty of YouTube videos to learn from and you can easily do this in your own front room. Not only will it help to relax you, it will stretch and help your body and keep you active.
Grow Your Own
If you have the children at home, this is a great activity to do altogether. You don’t even need a lot of space. You can sow seeds on your window sill and transfer them to a flower bed or a planter once they are big enough. Cress, peppers, strawberries, cabbages and lettuces are all quite simple to try out at first.
Clear Up The Garden
Looking on the bright side again, at least this is happening in Spring which (hopefully) means we will have better weather which is perfect for getting everybody out into the garden. We’ve had the wettest winter in a while as well as three storms just lately and everything looks a bit of a mess doesn’t it? (That’s an understatement in my case!) Get the kids involved as part of their home learning, plan how you want it to look and work together to make it fun, bright and pretty!

Paint a Room
Not found that time to give the living room a fresh lick of paint yet? Now is the time. Just think how much you could achieve. The house will look fab!
I don’t know about you but I have cupboards filled with all sorts because I still haven’t had a full clear out from Christmas. You end up with so much stuff that it can just become overwhelming (if you have kids, triple that feeling! Toys everywhere!) This is a great chance to go through everything as a family and organise what you need, what can be donated, what can be stored away and what can be passed onto friends/family.
Write a Book
Hands up how many of you have always dreamed of writing a book?! Even if you only write it for you, why not sit down and give it a go? You can easily self-publish as I did or you could send it off to literacy agents or publishers once it is done if you want to see it in print.
Take Up a New Hobby
Why not try your hand at painting or crochet, sewing or knitting, clay modelling or crafting? All of these things can really help to switch your mind off and help you to relax as well as pass the time. You may surprise yourself.

Stay Connected
We are so incredibly lucky to have access to the internet, if this had happened 20 years ago, things would be far more isolating. We have social media, video content, we can go live online, we can facetime family, we can send messages/emails/texts, we can upload photos and so on. We may be in isolation but we never have to be fully alone. The power of the internet can be very positive indeed.
Make Positive Resolutions
When this is all over it will be like a fresh start, just like New Year and so why not treat it that way and make some positive resolutions? I’m sure this is going to change all of us in some way. Nothing like it has ever happened to us before and I really, really do hope that more people come out of this realising what a wonderful planet we have and that we should all be kinder, take better care of it as well as one another and take better steps in ensuring this happens. Make a list of what you want out of life, think about what you want to achieve, where you want to go and so on.
Cherish The Moments
Some days are going to be tough, some are going to be hectic, some are going to be too much but for the majority of this I think things will fall into place and you and your family will make memories that you can cherish forever. Keep taking those photos and making videos of what you get up to. Document this time to look back on and try and enjoy the best parts. You will never get time together like this again, let’s make the most of that especially whilst the children are so young.
All the best to all of you. I am always here if you need a chat. Head over and give me a follow either on Facebook or Instagram (that’s where I am most active) and stay positive. We WILL get through this!!

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