The Importance of Getting Kids Gardening

child gardening

Gardening, for me, has developed into a big hobby over the last 5 years or so. Once you get the bug for it, it can become so therapeutic, fun, can capture your imagination and allow you to start designing. I am a novice and definitely still have a lot to learn, but that should not stop anybody from starting up, even if you only have a few pots.

Gardening when a baby comes along can be a tricky hobby to keep up and can suddenly develop into another chore that you need to fit into your day. It may not take too much persuasion to get a one-year-old to help you, but you will find it will take a lot of cleaning up afterwards as they discover the joys of moving mud from one place to another!!

I am now at the point (thank goodness) where I can try and get my child much more involved and I think it is so important to get kids gardening too. Not only will it allow me to return to my garden and get it back to being tip-top it will also give us an activity to do together. I have already encouraged him to help with choosing plants in the shop with me, coming home and potting them up and then watering them. We also have a little strawberry growing pot on our window sill for him to water – I am hoping they will start to grow soon so he can really start to see the fruits (I’m sorry, I had to!) of his labour. You see, even if you don’t have a garden you can still get them involved.

grow in a pot strawberries

Here’s why it is so important to get kids gardening:

  1. They start to learn how to look after something
  2. They are getting outdoors, fresh air and away from the TV
  3. They can learn about wildlife and bugs – through your teaching
  4. They will learn the importance of the roles of the bugs, for example, the bees which we so desperately need to save
  5. It will help with their motor skills
  6. It may develop a new passion
  7. They can take pride in what they help to grow
  8. It can become a fun activity that can involve the whole family
  9. You may find a passion for growing your own veg, leading to healthier eating
  10. It may lead to a brighter future for the world if the next generations are taught the importance of looking after our planet and the environment

Make a plan, choose some flowers and plants and get out there gardening together.

Have fun guys!

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15 thoughts on “The Importance of Getting Kids Gardening

  1. I’ve been trying to work out a time to plant my new new plants on my own as I have a 21 month old toddler. After reading your post I think I will take him outside and let him help me. He will really enjoy being out there with me but no doubt it will take double the time and he will probably try to eat the plants or the dirt!

    1. Hi, check out my other posts about gardening, there is one about making a kids garden! Also, go out and get him his own tools and watering can and get him involved. The sandpit is also a good distraction- although a lot of me beds now have sand on them as well as soil! lol

  2. Ahhh I’ve always loved the idea of gardening but other than a couple of lawn-mowings, I can’t admit to having done any. I feel like I wouldn’t have a clue where to start but LOVE the idea of doing it with Pickle when he’s older. Especially for all the reasons you listed! #ChasingNature

  3. I agree, I think it is so important for them to garden. I just wish we had a bigger garden 🙁 I am very glad that nursery does so much with them as I completely fail to at home! #Chasingnature

    1. Our garden is really small too. New builds are lovely but they seem to think that no one likes to garden anymore! It’s the one thing I would love to change. We enjoy being outside a lot and if we ever moved it would be to go somewhere with more outdoor space. Thanks so much for reading xx

  4. Thank you very much for linking up to #ChasingNature I totally agree with you with the importance of teaching children about gardening. We had an allotment this year, but unfortunately due to my daughters seizures we had to give it up. Hoping to go back to it again next year. It is lovely that you now take Jake along with you to the garden centre and he helps to plant too. Hope to see you linking up again.

  5. Lovely blog 🙂
    Unfortunately we don’t have a garden that Esme can play in, but she does love playing in the garden at her Nan’s house! I remember growing sunflowers and getting excited about how tall they grew.
    I tried keeping bonsai trees a couple years ago, but I didn’t do very well. Haha!

  6. I really like this post and totally agree with you. Whilst I am no gardener and my garden looks on par with the local tip, my mother in law is and the kids spend hours helping her. I love how they learn about nature and where food comes from, I love they understand a little bit of hard work. Its so lovely to see them planting, weeding, digging etc x #ChasingNature

  7. I gave up my allotment when I had my son. It wasn’t close by so it want practical really. The plot wasn’t flat so there wasn’t a good spot for the buggy etc. I totally miss it! I have a small garden with a few herb pots and flowers. My little likes it when I find worms! I will have a bigger garden one day and I will always try and get the kids involved!

    ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

  8. I’m not very green fingered mostly out of lack of choice. I don’t really have the time or start up knowledge but t is something I definitely want to change and perhaps this is a good way to start, especially with the summer months coming. That’s a lovely picture of your little man gardening! Thanks for joining us at #familyfun

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