Tips For Jogging With a Stroller

a mum jogging with a stroller
*Collaborative Post

Although running with a stroller can be challenging, it is 100% worth the commitment. It’s the perfect solution to staying fit when you’ve got children to look after and also ensures that you’re all spending a little bit of time outside breathing in the fresh air! What could be better…

But back to the challenging aspect. Running with a stroller is not the same as running without a stroller, for obvious reasons. You’ll have to dress you and your baby appropriately, remember snacks and water for the two of you, as well as plan your route to ensure that you won’t come into any stroller-related difficulties.

We’ve rounded up the most useful tips and answers related to the most common issues that parents face when running with a stroller.

How to find a jogging stroller

Selecting the best running stroller for your needs will instantly improve your running experience. Here are a few features that you might want to look out for:

Adjustable handles – to adjust the stroller to your height

Even suspension – for a smoother ride

A wrist strap – you can also purchase these separately

Lightweight – remember, you’re going to be pushing the stroller and your baby!

Large wheels – this will make it easier to run on uneven terrain

What you need to know before running with your baby

Keep your baby safe and comfortable during your run by paying attention to the conditions and the temperature.

As babies are unable to regulate their temperature as well as adults, you’ll need to consider the conditions before going for a run. Although you’ll stay warm because you’re moving, your baby won’t be warming up at all. Remember a cover or windshield for the stroller on cooler days as well as lots of layers and a blanket to keep them warm. Consider a sleeping bag similar to the one that your baby sleeps in to keep every part of their body feeling warm and toasty.

Similarly, when it’s hot outside, make sure that your child is shaded for the duration of the run and dressed appropriately to avoid overheating. Stroller fans provide a wonderful solution for keeping your baby cool when inside the jogging stroller. Be sure to look for those with bendy legs which offer a sturdy clip and non-slip grip.

Where to run with your jogging stroller

Planning your run ahead of time is the best way to make sure that you’ll enjoy your experience – and not drag yourself home wondering why you ever attempted running with a stroller… After all, taking your baby for a run is not as simple as popping them in the stroller and heading out of the door!

Depending on the length of your run and how far from home you’re planning to travel, here are a few things you might like to research.

1. The terrain

Consider running on flat terrain for a more pleasant running experience. Although uneven terrain is possible with a large-wheeled stroller, you might like to stick to flat terrain until you’re comfortable with your new form of exercise!

2. Bathrooms

Making sure that there’s a public bathroom on your route for either your own needs or the needs of your little one could save you from disaster!

3. Free parking

If you plan to travel from your house for the perfect run, take the time to find the best free parking spots that offer you direct access to your running route.

4. Drinking fountains

Running with a stroller is much more physically challenging than running without, and your body will feel the difference! Don’t get caught without water whilst you’re running – have a look for drinking fountains that you can stop at along the way.

5. Opening times

Some of the very best stroller-friendly parks will have opening and closing times. Check these in advance to make sure that you don’t get caught out with closed gates on arrival!

mum and baby in a stroller in a park

How to run with a stroller

Here are three of our best tips for running with a baby stroller.

1. Proper running form

Although it might feel more natural to grip onto the stroller and its precious cargo with everything you’ve got, Laura Norris suggests that one of the best ways to push a stroller whilst running is with one hand. By pushing the stroller with one hand, you’re more able to stick to a regular running form by swinging the free arm as you run. Simply alternate arms throughout the run.

You’ll also want to make sure that the stroller handle is set to a height that prevents you from having to hunch over. Stand tall and mirror the posture that you would use when running without a stroller.

2. Running hills

To target your legs and avoid exhausting your arms whilst running hills with a stroller, follow these tips:

● Stand with your back straight

● Use one or both arms to push with a bend in the elbow

● Look to the top of the hill

● Shorten your stride

3. Run slower

When you begin jogging with baby, you might like to run a little slower than what feels like your normal pace. Remember, you’re pushing a stroller and your baby, so your legs are going to tire much faster. Start slow and increase your pace every week or so.

Safety tips for running with a stroller

To stay safe when you’re on a jog with baby:

1. Wait until your baby has good neck strength

2. Stick to running in daylight hours

3. Run on wide sidewalks and cycling lanes

4. Don’t wear headphones

What to bring when running with a stroller

Bringing the following items – dependent on weather – might help to improve the running experience for both you and your little one:

● Water for you and your children

● Snacks

Coloring books

A favorite toy

● Umbrella/parasol

Diapers and wipes

● Spare outfit

Stroller fan

● Bug spray

● Sunscreen

● Sleeping bag

● Cold-weather accessories (hat and gloves)

Have a read of this post by Runner’s World for more tips on how to prepare for your run!

mum drinking water after running

The takeaway

Jogging with a stroller offers you a way to keep fit, get outside, and spend time with your children – what’s not to love?!

With a little preparation and understanding of the best ways to run with a stroller, you’ll quickly learn to love the freedom that this form of exercise offers you and your little people.

Have you got any tips for jogging with a stroller and baby? We would love to know!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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