4 Exciting Pursuits to Try to Give Back to Your Community

*Collaborative Post

If you want to give back to your community or a charity that has helped you in the past but you do not want to do this in a completely traditional manner, there are many exciting pursuits you can try. These will allow you to fundraise while enjoying a thrill, and here is a list of just some of them.

1.    A Skydive

A skydive is just about the most exciting pursuit you can try. This activity is perfect for those who adore heights and are not scared to push themselves to the limit. Doing a skydive can allow you to overcome your fears and boost your confidence while getting the ultimate adrenaline rush. Although you might chicken out of doing a skydive on a regular basis, doing this for charity can encourage you to see this jump through as you will be able to remind yourself of all the people you are helping by completing the activity. This means that you should consider signing up for a skydive for Macmillan, especially if you have been affected by cancer. 

2.    A Sponsored Cycle

If you are looking for an activity that is just as exciting but is entirely on land, you might consider completing a sponsored cycle. This might especially be the case if you are an experienced cyclist who has enjoyed long cycles before. You might even decide that you want to enjoy this cyclethon in a different country. For instance, areas like the Black Forest in Germany are famed for their excellent cycle trails. By getting people to give you money for doing what you love, you will soon be able to raise money for a charity that you are passionate about without this taking any toll on you.

3.    Water Sports

However, if you no longer want to be a landlubber, you should instead look into water sports. For instance, sponsored kayaks and windsurfing excursions are easy to set up. You might even decide that you want to organise a group kayak or even a race. This will allow more people to get involved and will help you to obtain even more money for the non-profit in question. You should take into consideration the cost of these water sports, though, as you might have to hire equipment and travel to your nearest seaside to get started.

4.    A Theatre Show

Do you hate sports? This does not mean that you are unable to raise money for charity. Instead, you might consider putting on a theatre show for your friends, family and the local community in aid of any charity that you wish. With all the ticket sales, or a percentage of the ticket sales, going to the charity in question, you will be able to ensure that your successful play gives the people around you a creative outlet and a night of entertainment and supports charitable work in your area. Pantomimes can be particularly good options to raise money as they are crowd pleasers and are likely to have more performances than a standard play.

Georgina Monk

Since leaving university with an English and Creative Writing degree, Georgina has worked as a freelance copywriter, writing articles on everything from business technology to charitable giving. As well as running her own blog and performing in and writing plays, some of which have been staged in local theatres, she also volunteers at historical houses and enjoys watersports and getting out into nature.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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