5 Things To Consider When Choosing Kitchen Taps


Whether you’re thinking of upgrading your kitchen taps or want brand-new taps, there are a few things to consider ensuring you find the best taps for your needs, and for your kitchen sink.

  1. Repair and Installation

Do you want to repair your kitchen taps yourself or will you need a professional plumber? Most newly designed taps can be installed by DIY fanatics. They’re designed in a way that anyone can install and operate them. However, many people prefer to use the services of a plumber to ensure there are no issues with leaks or mishandling. If you’re not too confident about installing a tap on your own, get in the pros.

Also, keep in mind that you can do repairs yourself to keep costs down. There are plenty of stunning taps on the market to choose from and Trading Depot offers Franke taps.


  1. The Holes in Your Sink

When it comes to upgrading your old kitchen taps, make sure you buy a new tap that requires the same amount of holes as the one you currently have.

Old-fashioned taps have hot and cold water taps that require three holes per tap and a spout. If you want a sprayer, a fourth hold is required. You can also get one-piece taps that require a single hole for the handle and another hole for the sprayer.

The most common kitchen taps are those that require just one hole.


  1. Different Types of Handles

Typical kitchen taps have either a single handle that rotates either direction to select the water temperature you want, or two handles for mixing hot and cold water.

One-piece tap have handles either attached to the unit or to the sides of the tap. These varieties tend to be easier to maintain and install. Lever handles are, well, handy as you can activate them with your elbows if your hands are sticky. Lever taps also tend to fit well with universal designs. Overall, a single lever is usually more practical.

These days, you will even find levers that have built-in touch sensors which means you can keep the handles clean from sticky fingers.


  1. Sprayers Are the Way to Go

The sprayers are usually built-in dishwasher or soap dispensers which are popular with modern taps. A pull-down spray head is a practical option for many people who wash their dishes by hand. Again, a single lever that has a soap dispenser mounted below works well. The kitchen taps with sprayers are often available as either a pull-down or pull out option or as a side feature where you can pull it out from the spout. Make sure you invest in a high-quality, durable sprayer that will require little maintenance in the long run.


  1. Water Filtration Systems

Today, many kitchen taps feature a built-in filtration system that allows you to enjoy clean, filtered water right from your kitchen tap. Filtering your water means you can enjoy water sans germs and dirt.


Make sure you get the best taps for your budget that fit the look of your kitchen and function the way you need them to.


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