6 Things to Do Before Bringing Home a New Pet

*Collaborative Post
Adopting a new furry family member is exciting and can change your life forever – for the better! However, there’s also a lot of work and responsibility that comes along with it.
Part of that responsibility is that you need to make some preparations for the new baby in your home, just like you would with a human child. This is a big decision, and it shouldn’t be made without careful consideration and planning. Here are a few things you should do before bringing home a new pet.
Do Some Research
Whether you’re bringing home a “normal” pet like a puppy, or something crazy like a pet jumping spider, you’re going to need to do a bit of research.
Animals require care in all aspects of their lives, and different pets will all have very specific needs in terms of their health, exercise, grooming, food, attention, and more. You should always do a bit of reading before deciding on a specific breed or type of pet to figure out what their needs will be. I would also recommend checking which pets would be best around kids and take some time to teach your children about pet ownership before bringing your new family member home.
Find a Vet You Trust
Finding a vet that you like and trust is important. For example, Erin Downes at Paoli Vet takes an animal’s emotional well-being into careful consideration, which is something most pet owners value.
You can start by asking friends and family who own pets for their recommendations on vets in your area. Of course, you can always change your mind if you don’t have a good experience on your first visit, but it’s good to try and make your pet’s first vet experience a positive one too.
Look at Your Budget
Owning a pet is a big financial responsibility too. You need to be able to pay for their food, medical bills if they get sick, grooming appointments (or buying your own products), toys and blankets, training and other essentials.
Makes sure that you’re able to care for your pet financially before you commit to adopting one.
Get Pet Insurance
Another expense you’ll need to include in your budget is pet insurance.
Many pet owners opt to pay their vet bills privately but investing in insurance is usually worth the small monthly fee it will incur. Just like people, animals can get sick or injured unexpectedly, and the vet bills might shock you!
Pet-Proof Your Home
Making sure that your home is pet-proof before the little one arrives is crucial. Animals, especially younger ones, will want to explore (and probably taste) everything they lay their eyes on, and it’s your responsibility to make sure they’re safe in your home.
Make sure to move electrical wires out of reach and block off any areas where they might get hurt or be able to run away.
Prepare Your Schedule
Owning a pet is more than just having something warm to cuddle when you’re in the mood for it. You need to dedicate time to building a relationship with your pet and taking care of them in every way they need.
This means making time for daily walks, bathing and grooming, playing, training, spending time, and cleaning up all the messes they’ll surely make.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.