7 skills I have mastered since becoming a parent!

a mum managing many tasks and skills

I thought that all of the skills I had pre-baby were pretty good (and of course I had all the time I needed to do them in). I could clean my house to practically an OCD standard, tend to my garden and keep it immaculate, spend hours walking and caring for my dog, make detailed plans for life and multi-task at work. None of these are any good once a kid comes along – that perfect home and garden certainly aren’t!! There is less time, things are a little more hectic and it is all now upped a speed in order to get it all done! Parenting skills are a far cry from your usual work skills and these involve a pinch of organisation, a dollop of multi-tasking, plenty of speed and a dash of winging it!

Here are 7 new parenting skills I can now ace as a Mother:

  1. If ever there were Olympic games for housework I am absolutely sure I would win gold every time for dishwasher loading. Speed, order, loaded whilst dealing with a toddler trying to climb in it… GOLD!
  2. I can start to run my son a bath, leave it to put some clothes away and time it in my head when to return to it to turn the taps off in time. Hey, presto!
  3. Multi-task without even thinking and by doing the oddest things at once, such as, wiping my son’s arse, whilst grabbing a toy to keep him occupied and making sure he doesn’t cover himself in poo with all the crazy wriggling he does.
  4. Tip the water-filled sand table (quite often due to my son!) just at the right angle and ever so carefully so that the water runs away but I lose as little sand as possible. (Too many trips to buy new bags means I have to be thrifty somehow!)
  5. Grab my son just before he is about to fall off the sofa, get too close to a road or touch a hot oven. It really is a case of having eyes in the back of your head… funny how we just sense it!
  6. Tackle him to the ground and keep all his limbs still for the daily getting dressed drama or nappy change. With one hand on the child and the other performing the task.
  7. Time a dash into the kitchen perfectly with his favourite TV programme and go unnoticed as I slyly eat that bit of chocolate I really do deserve!

What parenting skills have you mastered lately?

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