You Know You’re a Stay at Home Mum when…

you know youre a stay at home mum when

My life has changed considerably since becoming a stay at home Mum. Some may question my choice but I wouldn’t change any part of the last three years. Yeah, so my priorities are a far cry from what they were when I was employed and I may not be the hard-faced business person I once was when I worked in retail but I have a new focus and, for me, it is the most important one I have ever had.

Of course, there are plenty times when you want to cry or scream but when you look at it like this it’s all pretty funny really isn’t it?!


You know you’re at stay at home Mum when…


You know the CBeebies TV guide off by heart.



You know all the lyrics to every song from CBeebies, oh and milkshake and those very popular Netflix shows ‘build it up, Dinotrux…’



You say out loud ‘Oh, we’ve seen this one!’ and then tell your child precisely what is going to happen in this very exciting episode of Topsy and Tim.

I promise these aren’t all going to be telly related!

kid with hands on his face. Poem blog
I know, I can’t believe Tim did that either!



The biggest accomplishment of your day is removing the limescale from the shower and you are so proud that when your other half walks in you drag him in there to show off your success!… usually resulting in a low grunt and a very tiny well done.



You get a bad case of verbal diarrhoea as soon as you meet another adult.



You no longer think it is strange to have a tiny person watch you on the toilet.



Staying in your PJ’s all morning is normal if you have no plans for the day.



You get questions from other people such as ‘what do you do all day?’ and ‘don’t you get bored?’ usually accompanied by a screwed up face.



You know the best times to visit attractions i.e. avoiding school trips, timings for traffic/lunch/getting back in time for dinner. You also have annual passes to your favourite places.



You say the phrase ‘Don’t you fall asleep’ far too often in the car.

child asleep in car seat
He fell asleep…



You now clean your house with baby wipes.



Your idea of knowing what is happening in the news is looking at posts on Facebook in the hope these will bring you up to speed!



You rarely know the date until somebody asks you to sign something and you have to ask them… then you wonder where June has gone!



A bra is now considered to be a leaving the house item.



Your child sees you naked more than your other half does.



Date night is far too exhausting to go out for and Netflix plus a blanket seems much more desirable.



When people come over you apologise for the mess even though you have spent the day before cleaning the house in preparation.



You wonder why you can’t lose the baby weight as you tuck into your child’s leftover nuggets!



You stay up far too late just to enjoy some ‘me time’ and then moan you are tired the next day!

Mum hiding her face during the worst times



You dream of holidays but when it finally comes to going on one it turns out to be the same story just in a different location!


Do you have any to add?

my signature

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2 thoughts on “You Know You’re a Stay at Home Mum when…

    1. Yes! I was getting quite bad for the wine up until recently. I’ve now swapped to pepsi max coz it keeps me awake in that run up to hubby coming home! hahaha

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