Home Office Solutions For When You Are Running Out Of Space… And Fast!

laptop in home office
*Collaborative Post

With the imminent arrival of our latest addition to the family, my office area has taken the brunt of the junk as we attempt to clear the spare room to turn it into a nursery. Years of paperwork, my husband’s old study material and endless items that I have saved as memories have all gone into what was my work sanctuary and I have been working from the sofa for the last 2 weeks. Working from home can really have

its ups and downs and for me, having an office is vital in order for me to be productive. Thankfully, the nursery is going to take shape this weekend which means I can now take focus on how to reclaim my office and get myself organised again… for those of you who know me you will know that I can’t stand mess and disorganised areas so this is driving me slightly mad!

I’ve had a hunt around for office furniture suppliers and I think I have found some great items to complete my space and to help give me some home office solutions.

office storage unit
office filing cabinet
office storage unit

When it comes to office storage it can be so easy for it to look boring and industrial and this just isn’t to my taste at all. I want this space to still feel like my home and because this will also be our guest room any new furniture needs to tie in well with the theme and colours I already have going on.

As you can see from this photo I have a perfect little space next to my desk for some office storage units or shelving or perhaps a mixture of both. There is a wide range of products over at Office Monster too.

my office area

It may look quite neat but behind this photo is washing, paperwork piled up, photo albums and overflowing memory boxes. All of which need a place and soon! Another option I may well look into is finding items from used office furniture stores. These stores offer a range of affordable options that can maximize the available space while maintaining functionality and overall look.

With the pregnancy taking its toll on my hips I may also invest in a new comfortable office chair. The one I am using now is nice enough and looks pretty because I upcycled it but it doesn’t support my back the way I need it. Something like these below should do the trick.

office chair

There are so many ways to update your office space whether you work from home or not and I am definitely for brightening these areas up with funky colours, finding items that are a bit different from the norm and making it all a bit more homely as I believe you work better with your home comforts around you. You can read more on office hacks here.

Do you work from home? What is your space like?

my signature

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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