6 Items That Can Completely Transform Your Living Area

a living room with a grey sofa
*Collaborative Post

The living area is one of the most used spaces in a home, so it’s understandable why many people want it to make an impression. While high-quality furnishings and paint colours can make a big difference, it’s not the only thing you should think about.

In this article, we are going to look at six items that can completely transform your living area. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!


If you are looking for the perfect statement piece for your living area, then an aquarium is definitely the way to go. It can almost be considered living art, and you can decorate the tank in a number of different ways.

However, before installing one, there are some things you need to consider. Running and maintaining an aquarium requires a lot of work, and different fish all have different requirements in order to survive.


Another great item to consider installing into your living area is a fireplace. Not only can they heat the room during the cold winter months, but they can add an entirely different feel to the space. There are many options on the market from real fires to electric and gas all of which can create a wonderful feature. A real fire can be preferred by many but these can be quite high maintenance. Watson’s vent free gas logs really look like the real deal with no extra work involved.

If you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly option, check out ethanol fireplaces, like these seen at Soothing Company. There are wall options and even tabletop ones for individuals that don’t want a major renovation.


Rectangle rugs and square rugs might seem like very simple items to transform a living space with, but they really can make a significant difference. Textures and patterns play a very big part in designing a room, and layering rugs can create a much cozier and warmer environment. Just make sure you don’t go too overboard! As this can cause the area to look crowded. 

a living room with a brown sofa, rug and coffee table


Mirrors are a great addition if you have a small indoor space as they can instantly make the room appear much larger and taller. They achieve this by creating depth and bouncing natural light during the day. Big mirrors are the best; however, you can also combine smaller pieces to make an attractive design.

Indoor Plants

One item that can completely change the feel of a room are indoor plants. Not only do they add a touch of colour to the environment, but they can instantly make the space more relaxing and productive. The other plus side is that most of them are easy to take care of as well! So you don’t need to worry about having a green thumb.

indoor plants


The walls of a house are sometimes the most forgotten area. However, they can make the biggest statement. By covering your walls with art or photographs, you are adding a personal touch to the area alongside depth, color, and texture. You might even consider creating a feature wall or adding paneling if you have the money to spend.

And that’s it! These were six different items that can completely transform your living area! If you’re still looking at making changes, have a look online or check out some magazines for inspiration. You never know what you might find!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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